Fully Controling rFactor Clients from Server



I have several PCs and I want to run rfactor1 in multiplayer mode where the server can fully control the clients so the client just wait the permission from the server to start playing without the need to use any Mouse or Keyboard.

Is there any program or mode can do that? and also I do not know if that already available in rFactor2

any hints regarding this?

Thank you
If you don't want any user-control you need to set voting to OFF

in you multiplayer.ini:
Vote Percentage Add AI="50" // must EXCEED this percentage to pass vote for adding AI (set to 100 to disable)
Vote Percentage Next Session="40" // must EXCEED this percentage to pass vote to advance to next session (set to 100 to disable)
Vote Percentage Other="40" // must EXCEED this percentage to pass vote for race restart, event restart, or load next race (set to 100 to disable)
Vote Min Voters="1" // minimum voters required to call vote (except for adding AIs)
Vote Max Race Restarts="1" // maximum race restarts called by vote

Allow Any Event="0" // 0 = don't allow users to vote for specific tracks, 1 = allow users to vote for any track in server list, 2 = allow users to vote for any track, note that admins can do anything

And you can also set voting when you are logged in as admin:
Admin Functionality="1" // 0 = non-admin's can NEVER call or vote, 1 = non-admin's can't call or vote if admin is present, 2 = non-admin's can call and vote, but admin's vote wins, 3 = if non-admin calls, all voting is normal, but any admin calls win instantly

And then you can set the window scheduler to run rfactor's sessions.
