Gfx card upgrade

Bart S

Ok hi guys, I need upgrade advice for graphics.

My current 5870 does an ok job right now but I want to max this game with around 60 - 70fps at lowest. I have everything maxed out but no hdr and no shadows and 1xAA in fullHD 3monitor eyefinity my lowest fps is 33 at Spa in pits.
Now upgrade wise I been toying with the idea of getting a 7970 but it is too much right now and I know will drop significantly when nvidia release there new range in about a months time. My other option is to geat another 5870 and crossfire them, I also know there are issues with crossfire an rfactor2 but will they be sorted when the game is released, also a 5870 is only 1GB and I think this is a limiting factor to how well eyefinity works + 2 5870s will run hot.

So should I commit to a 7970 when price drops, it will be better than 2x5870 in every way wont it?

And will a 7970 give me everything max ultra'ed at 60 - 70fps at lowest in eyefinity.

My PC specs are listed in my specs thingy.
I had a 5770 with eyefinity and had to run it with no HDR. and fps were around 30 to 40.
I upgraded to a 6870 with 2g of ddr5 mem and now I run with everything on and at the start in the Pitts I get 46 fps and after I leave
the Pitts it jumps to around 60 to 70 fps just depends where I'm on the track. Not that the fps are high but I see all the I candy now,
love the bright sun light, and the shadows awesome stuff.
Okey, I've done some extensive research into this seams the 7970 is the way to go. I learn that it's the VRAM holding me back with the fullHD and eyefinity + tessellation is crap on 5000series card. The 7970 should max out rfactor2 with everything including possibly supersampling on also aswell as max shadows and HDR with overclock to 1000mhz. I don't want the heat either or microstutter problems. Drivers may be crap right now but they will only get better anyway.
Thanks ACSmall u pointed me in the right direction to start my research.
Btw are u overclocking that 6870 at all, my 5870 easily hits 1000mhz and 1225mhz for mem with 1.3vcore and some fan speed tuning curves. It makes a massive difference atleast 10fps for me from from a previous oc of 925mhz.
The price is a little steep but I want it now
