gmotor error message with latest nvidia drivers (344.11)


after installing the latest nvidia 344.11 drivers i allways get error messages after starting rfactor1 or rfactor1´s config.exe.
Clicking 8 times ok and the message disappears, rfactor1 and config are starting normal then, but every restart of the game means i have to click 8 times ok...

The attached screenshot shows the message in german language, but in english it nearly means:

The entry point "direct3dcreate9ex" wasn´t found in the dll "c:\nvidia\system32\nvspcap.dll"

Is this an gmotor2 problem or an nvidia driver problem ?

Reinstalled Directx and installed previous nvidia drivers, still same problem.
(There is no problem with rfactor2, game and config works fine without the mentioned error message!)
What else can i do?
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Got same issue after upgrade.

Tried to copy nvspcap64.dll and renamed it to nvspcap.dll, but it didn't help either. Maybe this is the end for rFactor?
Mine just flashed up that an update is available...don't think I'll bother just yet. Did a google on it anyway, it is happening everywhere, so definitely an nvidia problem. Saw deleting EBN's was a fix, but didn't pay much attention and that might have been game specific....anyone know what EBN's are?....or ENB's maybe
Just found out that a temporary solution is to uninstall "Nvidia Geforce Experience" .
After doing this i have no problems, everything proceeds as normal.
Don´t know, if "Nvidia Geforce Experience" is really necessary at all...
no is it not because the goal off this IMO useless pice software is optimize your nvidia driver settings for specific games. Typically the result is after using that you have wrong or not optimal settings except for games with big names like BF4 or COD or something similar.
At that time I used nvidia SLI it was on of the first things I uninstalled.
Did same thin as Quo-Fan did.. uninstalled NVIDIA GeForce Experience and no error anymore.
Only reason for me to keep GFE is for ShadowPlay.

Anyone having a problem with GeForce Experience being super slow to open? ANd by super slow I mean it takes 10+ *minutes* to open the GFE window?
It's extremely annoying, because of all this utterly useless crap I only want to use ShadowPlay...

Then, upgrade to 344 or not?
Thanks for this thread and the info. Been having the same problem. Time to remove GFE!
I'm using 344.11 drivers (for GTX 760) with GFE installed and I have no such errors with rF2.
I also run R-Factor and R-Factor 2 and have this same problem.

I had this problem since installing Race Room Experience from SimBin. STEAM forced an install of Direct X at the same time, and since then, all the SimBin titles such as Race 07, GTR Evo and Race Room Experience all crash to desktop within 1 lap of joining the circuit. It's very odd, I get strange 3d artifacts and colour changes all over the screen, all 3 monitors go black, but I can hear the sound looping and the force feedback stays at the last control loading. I have to just hold the power button down for 7 seconds and force a shutdown. I have a twin GeForce GTX680 SLI setup on Windows 7 Pro, which ran all titles superbly prior to this with everything maxxed out at 60fps, and no, it's not overclocked...

I upgraded to the latest Nvidia drivers and have since had this problem with R-Factor also... I will try uninstalling GeForce Experience when I get home tomorrow. Then I will try uninstalling and reverting back to older Nvidia drivers. I only play race sims when I have the time, so I don't really care about other titles. I had the machine built with this in mind.

Question - Do R-Factor and the Simbin titles both use G-Motor? Also, is there a way to forcibly uninstall and reinstall Direct X, and is this even necessary? Every time I use the Microsoft tool to upgrade Direct X, it just says me latest version is up to date and goes no further. Very frustrating!!
Just found out that a temporary solution is to uninstall "Nvidia Geforce Experience" .
After doing this i have no problems, everything proceeds as normal.
Don´t know, if "Nvidia Geforce Experience" is really necessary at all...

THIS ! Three of my friends had the same problem with rFactor 1. Its not a driver problem from nvidia its just the Experience Program with cause this error !

Has there ever been a definitive solution to all the Nvidia driver issues with RFactor 1 and 2? And also Race Room Experience? I left it aside for a while for several months to see if a fix appeared, and decided to have another play a couple of days ago. Updates installed for RFactor 2 (and R3E), and now, NONE of them work without crashing to desktop, including RFactor 1. The time to crash varies, depending on the version and the graphical intensity, but anything from 5 minutes of gameplay to 10 seconds. Same thing in all cases, strange triangles suddenly appearing on the monitors (three of them, running in SLI), then all three screens go black, and the sound loops. Forced reset by holding the power button on for 7 seconds is the only solution.

I specc'd £800 of Nvidia Geforce GTX670 cards in SLI to this machine when I bought it, specifically to play racing sims. And it can play none of them...

I have tried all the usual fixes, like trying different drivers, reinstalling them, removing Ge Force Experience, updating Direct X, rolling back, even reinstalling Windows 7. SLI, none SLI, AA on, AA off. Vsync on at hardware level (worked in the past), vsync off. Not overclocked... Absolutely nothing works.

People say it is a hardware fault with Nvidia and it cannot be fixed... SOMe say that it's a memory problem, caused by filling the memory on the Gfx cards, and has no fix for GMotor based games. It worked once, when the machine was new... Is there any solution in sight to this, or do I just have to bite the bullet and buy an ATI card?
