GP 1965 mod


Sorry to bother everyone here, but trying to run the 65 mod on barcikas Prince George circuit and getting super bad stuttering (both sound and video) seems to be running at 2 frames per 5secs. Looked around many different forums but can't source an answer or similar prob. Kinda running out of places to go. Other circuits run ok with mod. any help please?
Hmm, tried it and it runs normal here.

And when the mod runs OK on other tracks, maybe you have an corrupted track-version.

I took THIS

Can you try it out to see if it has the same problem?
Looks like this is a '65 mod specific problem with this track. Other mods run fine. Dl'd your from your location, redapg, and problem was still there. I'll try classic F1 site as well.
It's a car limit problem. Any more than 18 cars and stuttering /jumping occurs.

Thanks for those who replied.
