GTX 780 Ti VS GTX 980 rFactor 2 Benchmarks??...


Does anyone have any benchmarks that they can post of the 780 Ti VS 980?

The 980 seems to be a little faster in most games but may be slower in a few mostly due to the 980s slower memory bus or whatever (can't remember exactly what it was). So I would love to see some 780 Ti VS 980 benchmarks if anyone has any.

Benchmarks can be in 2D, 3D, single screen, triple screen (w/multiview), single GPU, or SLI.

Obviously using the same rF2 build version and Nvidia drivers for both GPUs' tests is preferred but I'll take anything I can get :)

I guess not a lot of people have or have had both, so I'll take benchmarks from owners of just 980s if possible since I have a 780 Ti myself that I can use for comparison.
Haha well I need to see some tests. I forgot to note down a specific benchmark for comparisons, but are there even any people on this forum with a 980??
Not sure, I have read recently though a thread elsewhere saying the 970 rarely uses more than 3.5GB of its 4GB while the 980 uses all 4GB on the same games same settings!
Not sure, I have read recently though a thread elsewhere saying the 970 rarely uses more than 3.5GB of its 4GB while the 980 uses all 4GB on the same games same settings!

Same memory controller, bus, etc so I think it´s not really true or it´s a driver problem. Until Pascal, we´ll not see a big step.
