GTX Titan Z

Two Titan Blacks cost around $2000-$2200, but two Titan Backs stuck together to make 1 unit costs $3000? So NVIDIA are charging $800 - $1000 purely for the convenience of only having to deal with 1 physical unit? The pricing difference between this and two separate Titan blacks makes no sense at all.

The dual GPU GTX 590, GTX 690, AMD HD 6990, and HD 7990 were not almost 50% more than buying their two GPUa separately, they were around the same price. Makes no sense at all.
its the convenience of quad SLI with 2 slots only. (its basically for people who can afford 4k tvs at the same time)
The TitanZ is more for professional applications and not for gaming so much. It is marketed at a GrForce GTX part but it is aimed at CUDA developers. But hey it has SLI connectors so for the price of a used Focus you can double the WTF and have the ultimate God Box! Unless you're playing rFactor2 :(
exactly..........oppsa I already said that....... :eek: .......... lol ;)

In terms of gaming, it's an inferior product to NVIDIAs other SLI solution AKA two separate 780-Tis, well, except for situations in which the 3GB VRAM of the 780 Ti becomes a limiting factor, and in situations where you would want to run quad-SLI but you have less than 4 PCI-E slots.

In terms of dual-GPU units only - after a quick look around it seems that the AMD Radeon R9 295X beats the NVIDIA GTX Titan Z quite handily. The R9 295X is literally half the price ($1500 vs $3000)! Imagine a $350 AMD card (something in-between a 7970/280X and an R9 290) being, most of the times, faster than a $700 NVIDIA card (780 Ti), it would be ludacrous.

- The HD 6990 was the same price, give or take, as two 6970s.
- The HD 7990 was the same price, give or take, as two 7970s
- The GTX 590 was the same price, give or take, as two GTX 580s
- The GTX 690 was the same price, give or take, as two GTX 680s

And the pattern kept on before that too, and it only makes sense as you are just pretty much buying 2 of those cards. The massive pricing difference between the Titan Z and with just buying 2 of the same cards of which the Titan Z is based on (two Titan Blacks, I believe) is completely different from all other equivalent card pricing philosophies of the past (around the same price, give or take, as purchasing the two cards separately).
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Looks like the AMD Radeon R9 295X ($1500) kills the NVIDIA GTX Titan Z ($3000-$3500), and i'm talking about a "straight-up" fight; I'm not even going to bother mentioning the whole performance-per-dollar thing.

Also, it's weird how they didn't show any crossfired 295Xs. AMD Radeons have generally scaled better in multi-GPU solutions compared to NVIDIA, and if a single R9 295X already easily outperforms a Titan Z, than I would expect AMD's performance margin to increase when comparing 2 of each card.

In triple screen and 4K resolutions, and at the fps reported in that test, you shouldn't even be getting ANYWHERE NEAR CPU bottlenecks. Why in god's name is the quad-SLI scaling absolutely, completely, totally pathetic and horrendous? Honestly, in such a GPU intense high resolution, and relatively low overall framerates, the Quad-SLI scaling should be in it's prime. That is pathetic scaling in pretty much the best GPU scaling scenario (very high resolution, low overall and not anywhere near CPU bottlenecking framerates).
yeah lol

even 8Pack says in video that 4 AMD scale better the Tri Titans

What I am saying IF you want those fps in quality 4K you need this gear, 295x CF , etc

GTX780Ti 33 fps or single Titan Z hardly cuts it no single card does 60fps in your BF4 either.

I mean seriously to buy 4K and these cards just to have playable " medium settings" as in benchtest ...what a waste that would be.

So you right 295x2 CF for 4K monitor I agree but that is still 3600-3800 AUD out here.

You want solid 60fps+ Ultra Quality 4K you spend 4 Grand either way ....... what's another 3K among friends ? lopl ;),3808-4.html

Same Sportscars vs Supercars performance vs price
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