Help me on braking


I am testing some cars on Montreal track. All assists are off, except TC.

I've done 1.41.5 with Gallardo.

Then tried the Zonda and did 1.35.6

And now i've tried the Ferrari F430 and can't do any time.

First of all, i see this car does not have a rear wing, but it is classified as a GT car. Why such a huge error is allowed in the mod anyway? Whatever..

So, it's a regular sports car then and i can not handle the hard braking.

I hit the speed trap: brake hard initially, then loose up a bit (obvious not to lock up the wheels), and so on repeatedly do it until my car starts waving - if i counter the waves successfully, i loose traction and halt, if not, i just spin into a crash. So, i am obviously not a good driver, play this game rather for fun, but still want to learn.

I can more or less handle the braking before the needle hair pin at 215 km/h, but not before the wall of champions at 265 km/h.

I probably would not encounter this with stability control turned on, but how the heck should i brake anyway?
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I've enabled low level stability control on the F430 and managed to successful brake on the Montreal straight after hitting 270 km/h. Kinda feel like some noob though that i need this.
Maybe you have to play around with the percentage setting of the brakepower for the front and rear axle.
It also depends per mod, with one car you need to brake differently then with another. this is due to the type of car but also how a mod was created. some cars are just better created then others :)

So you cannot get into a Zonda and expect to make it brake like a real Zonda would, the car might be off in some ways.
Therefore its important to understand both the type of the car and learn what the mod makers did with it (i.e. find its 'tricks')

So experiment!
For example a 60's F1 car is usually most effective braking in a straight line as hard as possible, release before apex and feather the brakes as you turn in.
More modern F1 cars use better aero and mechanical grip so hard braking into a turn means you can brake much later because you can both throttle and brake at the same time for more effect.
Pumping the brakes is a good technique, brake hard, release, brake a little less harder, release, etc.
sǝʞɐɹq ɹnoʎ sɐ sɹɐɔ ɹǝɥʇo ƃuᴉsn
And what Redapg said, checksum the brakepower
Also in modern cars a correct steering angle helps allot in this. (or better, an incorrect angle will make you suffer)
wings obviously, but in older era cars like GP79 a rear wing mostly adds to braking power whilst it does not always help the car in terms of balance/grip in turns.

And finaly, even in rf1, make sure you have good tire/brake temp's. if you are testing on lap1 or even 2, you might not be using its full potential. make sure its properly heated before you go mental.
I am a wel known elite haxor. wanted for my crimes in many universes.

(or just google upside down text hehe)
