How to change menu music file?


Hi Everyone,

I am trying to make all of my mods read their menu music from the same folder, however I can't seem to find the file where it gets read from. Does anybody know where I can find this/these file/s? Any help would be much appreciated, thanks.
Yeah I know that's where the files go, but most mods have their own folder that they read the music from. If I put all of the music files I want to use as menu music in each one of these folders, I'll probably end up with 2GB+ of files just for menu music, so I want to make all of my mods read their menu music from the same folder. I just can't find the files where I change where the menu music gets read from.
Brilliant, always the obvious places that I seem to miss! Thanks very much Steve, you've saved my PC a whole heap of memory!
I would think the easiest way and not cause MM
Would to just name the music you want to here the same name that is being used now and overwrite it.
that should work
Also look in the UIdata folder I do believe there is a file in there that also controls the music but I am not positive on that.

Ruben M.
