Importing Track from Max to rF.


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Ok so I have created a very basic track by following freew67 tutorials and various other posts of various forums and (i Think!) am now ready to try and get it into rFactor.

I have the "Test1" sample files already in my locations but don't really know how to set up GMT converter or how to use it.

In this vid: he selects the box and clicks 'get selected' however the box is one item my track has tracks/infield/outfield(is that a word :p)/xsectors so do I select them all and click 'get selected' or one at a time or...?

The 'GMT Output' section in the Converter does that need to point to the Test1 file or somewhere else?

Where does the quicks scene need to point to, do I need to use it?

Also I have watched a couple of tutorials (for different things) when they click on MAXScript and the Utilities dropdown they have a 'conver to [some rfactor filetype]' can't remember which filetype or which tutorial it was on, I currently don't have an option to do that, do I need it? Have I missed a plug-in/script?

If anyone can help or point me to a comprehensive tutorial of how to set up and use the GMT Converter it would be appreciated.

Once the track is exported to the rF format does it refer to the same textures as you are using in Max or does it generate dds files within the track folder?

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Anyone guys? There has to be someone out there who knows, any response is much appreciated?
I don't think many people check this sub-forum anymore, in lieu of the rF2 ones (which is the only way I found my way here--from your other thread).

1.) Yes, you have to do 'Get Selected' for every object. If you have multiple objects selected, you can set some common parameters (i.e. select all driveable terrain, make sure that HAT, Collision are checked, Receive Shadows, etc. etc.) en masse.

2.) You need to set 'GMT Output' to the folder where you want your GMTs to be (and make sure that it's also in SearchPaths in the .SCN file). The Scene file (.scn) is sorta like your .max file except that instead of storing all of the models within itself, it just tells rFactor where to search for them and which ones to load.

3.) No, you don't need to use QuickScene, but it's pretty handy for quickly creating a scene file that you can use in the Win32Viewer :D (I typically create a QuickScene that's named differently from my main track .SCN, and use it to copy bits and pieces from to add to the main .SCN so I don't have to re-export everything each time I make a change to my track) It can point to pretty much anywhere, although, keeping it in your track/layout folder is probably most useful.

4.) I believe what you're seeing from the MaxScript panel is the GMT importer. Though, I could be wrong about that... Either way, it's not anything critical to making a track.

5.) I believe there is a help file that comes with the modding tools that explains almost everything about the GMT Converter.

6.) Yes and no...similarly to the GMTs, the SCN file tells rFactor where to look for the textures (and the GMT's themselves have the filenames embedded in them). So, what this means is that you can have two different folders with textures. Let's say they're: F:/MaxTextures and F:/rFactor/GameData/Locations/YourTrack/MAPs. You can have 3DSMax work from the /MaxTextures folder, but in the .SCN file you can set the SearchPath to your /YourTrack/MAPs folder. However, when you do it this way, you will need to make sure that there is a file in the /YourTrack/MAPs folder that has the same filename as the one in the /MaxTextures folder. If you do not, you will get an error that it could not load that GMT in the Viewer. Of course, you can work directly in the /YourTrack/MAPs in 3DSMax, as well. Your choice. Either way, you just need to make sure that the SCN file is pointing to the folder with your textures. I also highly recommend working with DDS textures as opposed to .jpg's or .tga's
"get selected" in rf1 that brings up the menu on the right so can assign hat/col/omni etc. If you select all of your objects and click get selected, then all of the objects will have the same settings. If the objects are going to have the same settings, great, if not then select each one and adjust the settings that way.

Output does not have to point to the test1/gmt folder, but it makes it easier. I tend to work on multiple tracks at once so I sometimes just send the gmts to the desktop so I dont overwrite or clutter other folders.

Quick scene is not needed, but helps a ton (less typing means less mistakes lol) It needs to point to your sample scn file or if you have everything setup right it can point to the actual scn file for the track. For me, it goes back to I work on multiple tracks and would just rather copy and paste. I learned my lesson the hard way on that one. Some folks it might work great, just doesnt for me.

Maxscript has nothing to do with exporting.

I dont think there is a comprehensive tut on the gmt converter. Granted, I could be wrong. My box tut shows you how to use it at the very least. There is also a gmotor2tools file that explains just about everything in the converter. It might have came with RF or tools plugins in the Dev section for RF1.

If your using my test folder, the textures should be in the test1/tex folder. If your max file is in the track folder then it should work but if your working on the track outside of your locations folder, the textures might not be in the correct spot. You need to put the textures in the folder, nothing (that I know of) will generate the files. Thats why I tend to save my max files in the tracks folder. That way I dont have to go hunting down the textures. Plus when Im finsihed before releasing the track, I can just rar up that folder and have everything saved for furture use.
That always happens to me, type a big long post and someone does the same thing a few mins before me. lol
ah thanks a lot guys, really appreciate it, will be giving it a go tomorrow, hopefully won't have too many other questions then :p
Ok so thanks to everyones help I actually have a track in rFactor (w00t). However the track is vibrating up and down and I can't move the car. Even though the track is set to 0/0/0 in Max the car is above the track, I've tried altering the height of the track in Max and re-exporting but nothing changes even when it gets to the point where the car is then clipping through the ground.

I saw this:

But wasn't sure where the "driveline window" is mentioned by the 2nd post.

I'm using Freew's Track/File setup so his AIW etc wasn't sure if this may be an issue, I tried loading up the AIW editor to see if it worked and I got a couple of errors:

Error Loading Texture WP2 for Material SWP... &

Error Loading Texture WP1 for Material UWP

Which I can ok through and get to the AIW editor but is the same vibrations as in normal rF.

Am not sure what those two errors refer to?

Thanks in advance.
