installing from dvd disc questions


Greetings, after missing its original release i finally purchased rf1(i currently still race scgt). As the scene has now matured to a point, my interests are mainly the go kart & sports car road racing mods.

I have not loaded the game on any machine yet because i want to confirm a few things first.

As stated i bought dvd disc from amazon in (july '13), is there a "no cd/dvd" patch available.

In my searches i came across the topic of lite installs, would this be a recommended route of install from disc.

I may as well add what are builds? Where do i get them, and if not to off topic how do i install them

How many intsalls should i make if i am to have the mods i desire.

Thanks for your help in advance, I hope this game will be as everlasting to me as my SCGT is.
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Hmmm, the patch issue seems to be a no go. I accept that. I read somewhere that the dvd presents all i need.
Still questionable is the Lite install which i see is supported by isi. I hope the mod questions can be answered.
Its not my intension to agitate the staff here, I'm late to get on the grid and i could a bit of clarifactions and some directions. Maybe the topics here are technical enough and should be posted in another sub forum. Again thanks in advance.:)
Forum search:

So dvd only.

Lite is basically rfactor stripped from mods and tracks, you don't really need it for now.

Builds, not sure. depends on what version the dvd is and how that would be updated. best let Tim answer that one.

As for installing mods and tracks. You can install everything in one game. no need to have multiple games.
People use multiple games for league racing, isolating certain content, testing, or when their current game is overwhelmed with content.

That last bit could happen to you, after 100's of mods and tracks and plugins rfactor could start to have performance issues but at this point that is not an issue for you.
Just make sure you check what you have installed, if it works without issues, before you install the next cool thing.

Have fun :)
Thank you Denstjiro. I am still puzzled but will continue to do a little searching before i do install. My whole purpose for buying rf1 was for league racing. :rolleyes:
Maybe this helps:

There will be other helpful items in that forum no doubt.

As for League racing, nothing is going to stop you, I used to have a full and Lite install but now just the 1. just checked, 25+ mods and 125+ tracks and it is all still smooth. and i only use it for League racing as well. ( i do avoid installing plugins though)
The reason peeps use 1 install for a league is to make sure there aint issues due to other content. but those (possible) issues don't have to come at all, certainly not on a fresh install.

Our (unfinished) wiki on rf1:
