Is it possible to play more than 60 people on a dedicated server?


Yesterday we tried it and nothing.

Mod -> Historics GT & TC
Track -> Event Ring_24 (27 kilometers) of track: Ring_2007
Server: 100Mb/100Mb (
Max Data Per Client = 80 <- This is my big question, small values less ping and more players?

The server from the 58 or so going all in order and little by little we went casting, the ram was 34megas, cpu without significant peaks.

Does anyone know of a massive stroke? Or rather, someone has dipustado?

We ended up playing in 2 dedicated servers about 35 in one and 38 in the other so that ruled out the "Machine"

We also had quite a few people with "connection lost" for time to time, so the server does not just rule

Another fact: In this online-only track when the wheels target pass you have many opportunities out a "connection lost"

A little help please ;)

Post writed also in spanish forum section
Last edited:
I'm very interested to see a proper translation for this bit:
Another fact: In this online-only track when the wheels target pass you have many opportunities out a "connection lost"

PS: Me and my team participated in a few 24h races at the 'Ring. There were a lot of entries but anything over 40 cars on the track created a mayhem of errors, lost connections and and CTDs for everyone.
I think to remember, time ago, when PSR did extensive testing about the max possible clients in a stable enviroment.

I cant remember what options the server admin tweaked, but, over 47 clients, the server started to lose stability, disconnecting the clients with less band.

May be now Win7 and big RAM allow more clients, dont know.

For sure, a good advice is to use the dedi.exe of the DVD version, which is more stable with many clients in the server.
Use this .exe since today :) dont remember if we use .exe of internet search or .exe that lite version.

Translate error:
In this track when you drives alone and you pass to finish line alway appears 'connection lost'

Last month we play 53 player one test of this race, all stable if allow each machine, use a lot of ram & cpu, graphics isnt more important, this tested for me ;)
Same here, our limit reached is often 46 cars on track, it's the start of disconnect and the server doesn't free the slots, so it's for us the start of the end :), so we limit to 45 to be sure. But we are under investigation, because we think it's due to the track capacity in stands, and we think if the stand (boxes, not grid or pits) are not able to store all the cars, it's the root cause of the degradation of the server.
We are working on this point to be sure it's track or server limit (rF + Hardware capacity).

I think to remember, time ago, when PSR did extensive testing about the max possible clients in a stable enviroment.

I cant remember what options the server admin tweaked, but, over 47 clients, the server started to lose stability, disconnecting the clients with less band.

May be now Win7 and big RAM allow more clients, dont know.

For sure, a good advice is to use the dedi.exe of the DVD version, which is more stable with many clients in the server.
Which value in parameter 'max data per client' in multiplayer.ini???

Think that this its more important.

We play 3 times over 50-54 players without too much problems
If you are streching it like this then the track version is a big part of it as well. the version you are using is rather heavy compared to the 70's version for example. much less fps issues etc. so it would theoreticly give a smoother experience for the grid. Nordschleife

Fwiw; We have limited the grids to 40 to cater for smooth events.
We also were experiencing stability problems with more than about 47 drivers (ghost entries, massive disconnections etc.), so we use max 40-42 entries limit. Those tests were made on earlier versions of rFactor, about 3 years ago, so now maybe situation is slightly better, but I don't think it can be that good, to be able to have stable event with +60 drivers.
You will certainly need a server with lots of CPU power. The dedicated server uses quite a large number of threads though, so I'm guessing a multi-core + multi-CPU machine could handle it, but that would need to be tested. There's a multiplayer.ini parameter that sets the FPS, "Dedicated Target Rate" that I guess could be experimented with too. A solid and stable network connection with no routers or firewalls in front, plus an IP-address that doesn't change dynamically will help too, as even a DHCP re-lease can disturb things.
Ok, jorgen.

I saw Task administrator with 56players and all ok, but whennenter
2-3 more begins ghosts entries and disconnects.

Nobody knows exactly the limit??? Or depends only as good machine server? If its this gate always can try it ;)

Is it oficial support Page or exists other?

Offtopic:forum for pdas now!!!
Which value in parameter 'max data per client' in multiplayer.ini???

Think that this its more important.

We play 3 times over 50-54 players without too much problems
I have not the value under my eyes, I will check with your 80 value to compare
A question, the track was ? It's to check how number of places in the pitbox, pitgroup and grid are available to compare with our tests.

We also were experiencing stability problems with more than about 47 drivers (ghost entries, massive disconnections etc.), so we use max 40-42 entries limit. Those tests were made on earlier versions of rFactor, about 3 years ago, so now maybe situation is slightly better, but I don't think it can be that good, to be able to have stable event with +60 drivers.
We experience this every weeks, so it's valid for the current version for us too.
Nobody knows exactly the limit??? Or depends only as good machine server? If its this gate always can try it ;)

You also depend on whome is joining with what kind of connection. the server is sending and recieving packets of information constantly in order to know where everyone is and send that info back to each driver.
these packets get lost sometimes (packetloss) and there will be wierd stuff going on when this happens (usualy ghosting but with more instabillity other things as well)

The communication between server and drivers is not only about how good the server is, its also about how good the induvidual (and collective) connection is towards the server.

So its not just the amount of drivers, its their connection as well. invite 20 drivers based in Thailand to a western server and it will probably crash and never come alive again :p
Drivers with bad connections vs the server can effect other drivers with good connections. packetloss increases, fps go's down, etc.
Hi I checked some parameters yesterday and the value for
Max Data Per Client is 64 on my side. Perhaps its not sufficient?

I notice too I have 5000 on the download and upload limits. What value have you in your Server Multiplayer.ini for thus that can run more than 46 cars?
I think to remember, time ago, when PSR did extensive testing about the max possible clients in a stable enviroment.

I cant remember what options the server admin tweaked, but, over 47 clients, the server started to lose stability, disconnecting the clients with less band.

Hi Max, long time :)

You may also recall a number of years ago when I was an admin at VMS we conducted an organized v1.255F server test with the help of Jeremy Miller and sanctioned by ISI using Scott's brilliant Lienz track. We used what was a "regular" PC at the time (running XP), but with the advantage of being on a DS3 backbone. Stability issues began to occur once the 50 driver mark was passed. If I recall we reached a maximum of 57 drivers before we advanced to the race session, though a number of drivers lost connection during the session change and continued to do so as we progressed.

I agree with those who commented that the number of drivers largely depends on the track being used. Currently at VOR we cap our grids at 40 drivers and do not allow anyone to race who has a one-way ping to the server greater than 120. For our server location (Chicago) and hardware/software configuration, the Max Data Per Client value we found that works best for us is 128.

There has also been some debate as to whether the client-side connection speed settings can have a bearing on server stability, though I am of the opinion that if we're limiting client-side bandwidth by using a Max Data Per Client setting which is lower than most connections could download data from the server were they not limited (by using a value of 9999 there), then the client-side settings do not matter.


Hi Chris, hope everything is good for you :)

I remember well that test, the test goal was to find evidence about the improved stability of the 1255F DVD version of the dedicated.exe, compared to the digital version of it.

But honestly i forgot we were over 50 clients :)
I remember a while ago viewing a forum where someone found a solution.
I think he could run 95 cars, online, offline, I cant recall.
He used a small patch tool to change a "flag" in the exe, thus altering the exe to use 4GB virtual mem instead of 2GB.
I dl'd the tool thinking it might be of use some day (havnt used it yet)
It auto backs up exe, creating a new one.
The patched exe will be of use only on x64 machines though.
Here is da link...
I hope this helps
I remember a while ago viewing a forum where someone found a solution.
I think he could run 95 cars, online, offline, I cant recall.
He used a small patch tool to change a "flag" in the exe, thus altering the exe to use 4GB virtual mem instead of 2GB.
I dl'd the tool thinking it might be of use some day (havnt used it yet)
It auto backs up exe, creating a new one.
The patched exe will be of use only on x64 machines though.
Here is da link...
I hope this helps

It's not a problem on client side we are talking, but the good server configuration to put. Some success in running over 46 cars online, and the one that are limited try to identify the good configuration file to use.

So I ask again :
I notice too I have 5000 on the download and upload limits of my server. What value have you in your Server Multiplayer.ini for thus that can run more than 46 cars?
Max value ofcourse ;) It's 8000. it's Configured from rfactordedicated ui.

Another thing: DVD rFactorDedicated.exe version and our .exe version, it's same. We used rfactorlite setup from
Max value ofcourse ;) It's 8000. it's Configured from rfactordedicated ui.

Another thing: DVD rFactorDedicated.exe version and our .exe version, it's same. We used rfactorlite setup from
Thanks I will put 8000 and check what exe I have.
