Is Rfactor2 a game CPU dependent?



I have a Q6600@3.4Mhz and only one 1680x1050 LCD . My question is : Can I play with a GTX570 Gpu with full graphics and filters options or I need upgrade de CPU ?

Well, and what is the most powerful GPU that I can mount on my computer (Q6600@3.4Mhz, 1680x1050 resolution) ,and without bottleneck ?
Core2 systems are going to be CPU bound. You will not be able to run with all settings maxxed out.
Core2 systems are going to be CPU bound.

Well, considering that rF2 only uses 2 cores at the moment even a Core2 might be fine. New CPUs (especially Sandy Bridge ones) can be easily overclocked to higher frequencies though, so they definitely have an advantage over the older models (thanks to their architecture too and to the fact that the other 2 cores can used for the OS, obviously).
Hello bud.

I have the same CPU as you but running it at 3.5Ghz and ram at 517mhz, plus 6 gig o ram...Motherboard is an Asus P5KE. My graphics card is only a HD5750 though and running standard speeds as well, your card should be alot quicker :) Ive just tried the settings you mentioned (MAX Everything) and these are my results, with 15 cars on track!

Mines running on a 32" screen like, but should still give indicative results. Managed a nice 50-60 on the fps through a few laps. Some tweaking and you could do alot better!!! ;)


My Q6600 at 3.4 with the same res and max everything gives me about 50-60 fps, lower some settings and it would give alot more. Theres life in the old Q6600 yet. Plus at 3.4 the Q6600 is a match for the i5 760 if not a little faster than it.
Well, considering that rF2 only uses 2 cores at the moment even a Core2 might be fine. New CPUs (especially Sandy Bridge ones) can be easily overclocked to higher frequencies though, so they definitely have an advantage over the older models (thanks to their architecture too and to the fact that the other 2 cores can used for the OS, obviously).

No, it effectively uses 4 cores. 4 vs 2 cores is about 10 to almost 40%, depending on cpu frequency. The faster the 2 core cpu, the less you will gain from 4 core cpu but still, the gain will there, probably until you hit 4,5-5,0GHz on a 2 core cpu.
My Q6600 at 3.4 with the same res and max everything gives me about 50-60 fps, lower some settings and it would give alot more. Theres life in the old Q6600 yet. Plus at 3.4 the Q6600 is a match for the i5 760 if not a little faster than it.

50-60fps with a gtx570?
Ive just checked and this is what windows is telling me.

Well, the fact that they're allowed doesn't mean that they actually get used: it might also be that rF2 switches from one core to the other depending on which one is less loaded, but always keeping a 2 cores in use limit (something similar to rF1, which can be "locked" to one core with the +fullproc string).
It would be nice to have a word from ISI on this. :)
