is Shutdown really the last function called ?


I would like to do some file manipulation, after the driver exits rFactor, but I want to be sure I'm really doing it at the last moment. I looked at my current file out put,

 Car in Pits. 
  Pit Stops = 0 
  Session = Practice 1 
  Race Time = 2.20 
  Lap = 0 
 Left front : 88.0 -- Right front : 88.0 -- Left rear : 88.0 -- Right rear : 88.0 

And I see I have shutdown listed twice. The ShutDown() function only prints this out, once. Is something calling shutdown more than once ? If I use that function as the place I mess with the text output, how do I know it will only happen once ? I don't want to double scramble it !
Create a var bool havequit. Make sure it's false before you do the scrambling, and set it to true when you're done.
