Keeps Crashing


I installed new mods and since then rafctor 2 keeps crashing on me. You can set your watch so it, no matter what track I do or car within 10 min into the race it crashes. It gives me some error that says something about a display error and that this program is running somewhere else and it shuts down. It's really pissing me off because I love this game and I just got all a bunch of cool tracks and now it's refusing to work. If anyone has any suggestions to fix this that would be greatly apperaited, I really don't want to delete the new mods but I guess if I have to. The mods I installed were from IRS Fourms. I am thinking their the problem because before I installed them everything was fine.
Delete the lot and re-install. You know the mod/s that's causing the issue. Don't install it/them again. I assume you've backed up all your rF2 content in case something like this happens?

If not, I'd recommend you start to.

Unlike rF1 you can't have more then one install for testing new mods and/or tracks before putting it in your main install so rubbish content crashing your install is going to become common place.

I know that comment is going to get some idiot arguing with it saying you can! and all that crap; rF2 is not/ was not/ and will never be designed to have more then one install For those that don't have knowledge of file structure and how to get round this like some do, it stands as a one install only game.

And by the way. This is rFactor 1's forum, not rFactor 2.
