Lap time on videowall?

Gerda 3


i need your help. Is it possible to show the lap time on a videowall besides the track?

You can combine the cockpitinfo.ini with a texture and so it works for vehicles....

Thanks, best regards.
Im going to say I don't think so. The video wall is just a looped bik file. The only thing that I can think of right now that worked in rF1 was the scoreboard with your number in your current position.
Best example is Orchard Lakes scoring tower. I would say peek around in the gdb to see exactly how that works. Might have given me an idea for a tutorial. lol Its been a while since Ive done one, would need to dig out an old max file to check the settings.
Where can i find all the codes? for the last lap and so on?

A tutorial would be great :cool:
