


I rent a server, and want to have a liveview and stats added. does anyone know of a site that i can link to my server for rfactor please?

Thanks :)
Do you have full access to the server to be able to install a plugin?
I have a website also that i would like to add a link on there to the page that shows the live timing and stats. :)

When it works, it's great. Unfortunately it goes down for a few days every few months, it seems.

When it works, it's great. Unfortunately it goes down for a few days every few months, it seems.

I did see that one, but i'm told i have to get more info from the owner, who i have emailed 3 times with no reply!
There are several plugins out there. Here is one for example:

I have my own plugin but it isn't really in a state for public release. Right now it is highly customized for our league. I need to put some time into packaging it up for public release. Basically my plugin just creates XML output and it is up to you to write the JavaScript to format it into a webpage. I need to make a more generic webpage for people to use as a template.

Here is a link to the timing I built if you're curious what it looks like. Again, this one is customized for our league. So the logo and the way it colors the classes.: Race
There are several plugins out there. Here is one for example:

I have my own plugin but it isn't really in a state for public release. Right now it is highly customized for our league. I need to put some time into packaging it up for public release. Basically my plugin just creates XML output and it is up to you to write the JavaScript to format it into a webpage. I need to make a more generic webpage for people to use as a template.

Here is a link to the timing I built if you're curious what it looks like. Again, this one is customized for our league. So the logo and the way it colors the classes.: Race

The first link don't seem to have stats with it.. i.e, what kind of position drivers are in after each race. like standing!
You're looking cool.
Do you know of anyother that u can use now?

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We use KennyVette's plugin, works quite well and very configurable. here's what we use on our site:

But you need more then ftp, u need to acces it through remote desktop as i dont think you can start/stop the service through ftp.

on rcentral: Hotlaps

But it doesn't show the lastest version (2.9.6), for that check out their forums:
oh forgot to add, there's more then we are showing currently. race results and league results

These two are abit random as they record everything we do (as we dont use it) but its configurable and you can set to record only certain sessions (your actual events) and also change points to get it to calculate a race or championship authomatically for you.

I like the way the stats work on this this would be good to have 24/7.
I have the file now. but it's saying to install on my pc rfactor! but i needs to be installed on my rented server! can i do this? if so how, as like i said, it talks about installing on the rfactor game i have on the pc?
Some help would be great :)

Cheers :)
it needs to be installed on the dedicated pc/server.

Hotlaps is just a folder btw so you could use the exe, install it in a local temp folder and then ftp the folder into rfactor root on the server with ftp.
Inside you will also find the Guide pdf to help you set it up.
But as i said, you do need a remote desktop otherwise i'm not sure if you are able to start/stop the service which is a batch file.

Here's a thread in which we helped someone else with this service, perhaps you can pick up on a few things:

Also you could use the forum i posted, there's loads of threads about issues and they will probably be simulair to anything you run into as well.

Thanks for your help..
So i still also need to install the whole file in my dedicated pc/server, even tho i want to use in on my rented server.
What do you mean by, as well as my need a remote desktop, ?

Cheere :)
Dedicated pc/server is the same as your rented server. thats what i ment :)

Remote desktop: in order to start/stop the service you need to execute batch files on the rented server. you will be doing this allot after you installed the service and are testing things.
But you cannot do that with ftp. or at least i cannot do it. so you need acces to the remote desktop of the rented server to run the batch files.

Or a server-admin can do it for you but thats a pain in the first days on testing the service i reckon.
Dedicated pc/server is the same as your rented server. thats what i ment :)

Remote desktop: in order to start/stop the service you need to execute batch files on the rented server. you will be doing this allot after you installed the service and are testing things.
But you cannot do that with ftp. or at least i cannot do it. so you need acces to the remote desktop of the rented server to run the batch files.

Or a server-admin can do it for you but thats a pain in the first days on testing the service i reckon.

So really it wont work then if that's the case.. :( not sure what else to do then..
Oh well thanks always

P/s, when i installed the rFactorHotlaps folder to the server where the .exe is, i get transfer failed.
When i got to 1] install the thing on the link u sent, i couldn't go any further lol
Im ok at other modding, but this is not straight forward as i hoped lol oh well


pps, i just installed it. made it into a winrar.. i'll follow the guide.. but part of me is confussed to this Remote desktop.. am i'm just wasting my time now if i can't get access to this? confussing now lol

edit again, no don't work. no way to get into the rFactorHotlapsSetup.exe, just opens up with strange writing
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Ah too bad man, well it was worth a shot.
Btw, you dont need the exe, all you need is to get the hotlap folder in to rfactor on the server. but the admins wont be happy with the batch files either so its probably a dead-end.

It wont hurt to email Liveracers and ask about it. i dont know how that system works but seeing all the features onnit i asume its going down the same route as Hotlaps.

same for SLS, its a good system but not sure if you could use it, you gonna have to investigate onnit:

Here's another one and from reading the faq it seems abit more usuable, this livetiming can even run from a local machine (your own rfactor)

These things are all pretty straight forward, once you got it working. before that it can be a real pain in the *ss so you need patience and determination to get it going.
I dont think there is a 1-click system out there.

There's more on rfactor central but i have now idea if they are any good. utilities
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The server owner said it be ok to use the liveracer one, and said i just need to get the dll files. so thats good.
i did contact the guys from liveracer on this email
but he never gets back to me!
Emailed a few times before. so not sure how i'd get it working with out the files.
Unfortunately, you can't use LR until Stefan replies to you. Although all you need to do on the server is open a port, copy a few DLLs and an XML file, nothing will happen until you log in to LR and enter the IP of your server.

I wish he'd license the code for users to host their own LR servers. I've got a server in addition to the existing game server that could run LR for my league's use. Though I imagine once the code is out there. few people will use his service and donations will dry up...
I even used a different email, but no luck!
maybe i could donate a little, and tell him, then maybe he get back to me :)lol
Or link this thread next time to show him that you're serious enough, he might get some bogus requests and hesitates to awnser.
Stevo @ Liveracers is very hard to get a hold of, This is true, But he does respond to all his emails.

Liveracers is a hobby for him last time I spoke with him, His regular put food on the table job keeps him busy.

He got in contact with me ;) after a little donation ;)

Thanks for your help guys.
Good deal! I will watch for you on his website.

What nation and League to you run?

