Log error message: Non-existent tire brand ""


I have lots of these entries in my log file for one mod I'm using:

tire_manager 1249: Non-existent tire brand ""

Could somebody tell me please how I can fix this?
Check the HDV file and TBC file name for a typo. That should typically be the first thing that you check for when there's a problem.
If the tires are in a sub-directory, you might try adding the "SubDirectoryName/" to the file name (you might need to use the "\" instead of "/" though). It's been a long time since I worked with anything vehicle-related.
That was is indeed. But I had to move those tires files to the main folder, as adding that sub-folder name didn't work.
Interesting. I may try something and post back.

Update: Doesn't look like you can put the tires in a different directory.
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