Logitech G27 in rFatctor

Falcon Man

Can someone help me please. Got rFactor installed from the cd that came with the G27 wheel. After much hassle the game is now working except I can't get the clutch or the gearshift to activate in the settings. Everything else works - throttle, brake, paddles and buttons, but not H pattern shifting orf clutch. Am I doing something wrong?
Are the controls assigned? Go to controller setting. Go through the list and assign them. When you save it you will need to go in to load your setting each time you go in-game. Take notice of the default. If you use the same name it should load your setting automatically.
Make sure the shifter is in neutral when trying to assign controller buttons. Also, assign the H shifter gears to specific gears and not shift-up/down.

Perhaps more details... what exactly happens when you try to assign the clutch or the H shifter?
Thanks for those replies. What happens is when I select "clutch" in settings and then depress the clutch pedal it simply isn't recognised. I can assign any button or one of the paddles to be the clutch but not the clutch pedal. It's as though it's not recognised by the controller. Similarly, with the H shifter, I know to leave it in neutral when assigning buttons but when I get to, say, first gear and it asks for an assignment, moving the lever into first gear doesn't do anything - just doesn't register. Everrything seems to be connected so I'm completely baffled. No-one else seems to have this problem as far as I van tell.
When you are at the controller assignment page, there is a icon in the top left that shows your controller input movements (red bars that move as you move parts of your controller). When you press the clutch, does there red bar move in that area to indicate the clutch is actually being detected?

It sounds like there is something wrong with your setup where the clutch and H shifter isn't even being detected by directx. rFactor uses Directx's DirectInput, so your controller must be recognized in your Control Panel Gaming Controllers section. Open that up and calibrate your controller then test your controller there (instead of the driver config screen) to ensure that all the pedals and buttons are being detected by the system. At least this will give you an idea of where the issue may be originating.
No, the red bar doesn't move at all when the clutch is depressed. Nor is is shown in the control panel gaming cotrollers section. Strangely, the icon in that section for the controller looks like an Xbox control. I would have thought it would look like a wheel or something similar. Could this be the problem?
If it isn't detected in any of those places, there is a problem. If the system itself isn't picking it up then perhaps something is not connected properly. Are you sure all the controller connections are connected properly? One of the wires is broken inside? Is the driver installed? Perhaps the wheel/pedals is defective? Seems to be one of these things.
Pretty sure everything is connected - if the throttle and brake work and the buttons on the gearshift likewise it must be connected. i'm intrigued by your reference to the right drivers beiong installed. How would I find out? The wheel did not come with an installation disk and I checked the Logitech site to see if there were any drivers that could be downloaded - nothing. I'll recheck the connections but if that fails I'm stumped. I installed rFactor from the cd that came with the wheel so I imagine any software necessary for the wheel would be included in the package.
I don't have this wheel to test with so unless someone here might be familiar with your issue, you'd probably have to contact Logitech and ask them why you get no H shifter or clutch working in Windows Gaming Controllers.
Thanks everyone for your help. I did everything you suggested but it turned out the problem was lack of software drivers included with the wheel. I downloaded the generic drivers from the logitech website and, wonder upon wonders, it worked. Now I need to work on downloading some tracks (for which read Bathurst, my home town) and I'm in business. After five days of solving problems with this game, all is well with the world.
Great news mate. All the tracks and off cause Bathurst can be found here http://www.rfactorcentral.com/ . I wouldn't recommend using their "1 Click Installer" . They are charging for downloads using that system now. You'll be better off learning how to manually install mods, track and add-ons. You'll learn alot about the structure of rF as you go and be able to combat most issues yourself once you learn. Most downloads start at Gamedata so all you need to do is follow the paths to the correct place for any component of a mod (Cars). Tracks are easy. Gamedata/Locations.
Excellent thanks. I'll work on it. I'm looking forward to doing the mount. In a V8 Falcon, or course. A pox on Logitech though. All that hassle just because they didn't include the driver cd in the box with the wheel. A trap for young players there. Hope this experience helps others.
Yeah I'll have to agree. Every Logitech wheel I've bought has always had a driver disc with it. Don't understand why this isn't still done.
Just need a little help installing cars. I took your advice and used the manual method. Downloaded the Bathurst 1972 cars and got the files into what appears to be the right directories. Selected the Allan Moffat Falcon and it starts to load the track (Toban Park) and then just hangs about three quarters of the way in. I have to turn the computer off to start again. Is there a step by step guide to installing cars?
When rF freezes loading to a track there is a read error message that comes up. If you (Ctrl & Esc) rF will drop to desktop and you will see the message. Bathurst 1972 is probably not the best mod to start learning to manually install. Start with tracks. Load one and check that it works. Start with a fresh install of rF if B-72 is going to give you issue. To get a new download of B-72 ask here http://ausfactor.com/forum/ .They may have a exe. installer for it. exe. installs are usually save and the mods work properly after it done.

The main reason for manually installing files from rF Central is "Not" to use that "1 Click" thing. They are charging you to use it to install FREE ware and you really have no control over what's being installed on your PC. Wouldn't recommend it to anyone.
Thanks again. I capitulated and used the i click (you get three free goes) to install V8s and Bathurst track and also B72 (after trying to do it manually). I wanted to see how the files installed to see if I was doing something wrong but if I did I couldn't see it. The last one didn't work, possibly becuse I was installing over the manual file. The error message is a failure to open any of the *spinner.mas files for each of the three vehicles. I'm not sure what these files do. Every other vehicle has a mas file but only the B72 vehicles have a mas and a spinner.mas. I may just have to unpick all the files and try again as you suggest. I may have done something wrong with the directories. in rFactor I get a menu under vehicles for the 1972 showroom (and a separate directory for the cars themselves), which is a bit weird. I think there may be some unique requirements with this file but there doesn't seem to be any advice anywhere on how to do these installations and what to watch out for.
The Mas file is the models GMT & DDS. (GMT's are the models parts. The 3D peace's that go together to make up the cars frame, Interior, Lights, Wheels and so on. Also in the Mas there are DDS textures that gives the models color. Without these texture the models are all white. You may have seen screenshots of models that appear this way. These pics are usually taken from a 3D program not necessarily rFactor.) A Mas error suggest there's something missing from it. Since you used the 1 Click install after the manual install it would have overwritten all file provided you placed them correctly. If the missing part was in the 1 Click is would have been installed regardless of it not being there prier. Go and talk to the creators at the site above. They will help you out.
