Loosing connection when not using the keyboard for a few minutes

Richard Tol

Hi everybody i have a very strange thing going on with rFactor.

First off all let's say there are no problems with my system it's runs most game's online with amazing fps and no problems at all.

When using rFactor and being online in the server i have to view a different player than myself in order to stay connected.
that means if i come online and i do nothing than after 6 minute's or so i get a connection lost.
When i view a different driver or go straight to practice or race there is no problem and i stay connected.

When i am in a race sometimes let's say i am in P3 i drop down the position list to last place and as soon as i hit the next sector on the track i jump back to p3 this happens on tracks where the sectors are very long.

Now currently i am racing the Nordschleife 70's track and in sector 3 i get a connection lost in my first timed lap.
if i keep chatting during my timed lap i stay connected.

Is there a setting that controls the connection when there is no keyboard activity?

I had this problem with different modems /platforms/and windows versions
Currently i am using windows 7 64 bits
Processor I5-2500K 3,30 GHZ
Board:Sabertooth P67 B3
Memory:8GB 1866MHZ
Connection Cable
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Videocard : Asus GTX560TI Top Battlefield edition 1GB running at 920 Mhz
System temps never over 60
GPU temp never over 65
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My first guess would be that you are suffering from packetloss and the connection dies out.
Can others on the server tell you how you diconnect? The 'server recieving no updates from client' message would indicate packetloss.

Retrieving data from others in another way (chatting or following others) could send just enough info for the server to asume you are a live client. (but thats more guessing i have to admit)

Getting reset in position would also indicate packetloss as the server tries to keep you connected and just updates you on the last position it has information on.

If so, on other servers this problem could/should be different as the connection is different. so do you have this on all servers or just this one?
Well i think i have found out something.
No packet loss tested with Pingtest.net and that was ok.

I made a new rFactor profile now i don't have the connection lost problem anymore in the server.
But i would like to know if someone could explain why this suddenly could happen?
