Low FPS on GTX 690


Hi everyone, first post here!

I just updated to 218.
So, first time i had about 32 to 36 fps on race with 16 cars, with all settings on maxed out.
Then i tried with 12 cars, but this time with settings High, Shadows=Medium, Shadow Blur=Fast, AA=4, and HDR/SYNC/FXAA disabled., and only had about 34 to 38 fps.

Previous build i had 60 fps with vsync on. with all on max and +14 cars.

Any help? Probably somethin that works best with sli config, since i have the dual GPU card.

Have you tried what's suggested here, doesn't work for everyone but there are some successful reports.
well, just 5 fps gain. It only boosts to +50fps whe i disable the reflections.

maybe thats the only workaround for now =/
Hi everyone, first post here!

I just updated to 218.
So, first time i had about 32 to 36 fps on race with 16 cars, with all settings on maxed out.
Then i tried with 12 cars, but this time with settings High, Shadows=Medium, Shadow Blur=Fast, AA=4, and HDR/SYNC/FXAA disabled., and only had about 34 to 38 fps.

Previous build i had 60 fps with vsync on. with all on max and +14 cars.

Any help? Probably somethin that works best with sli config, since i have the dual GPU card.


I just looked at the date this was posted no wonder why you are getting low fps update your drivers to 320.18 or 320.49 or 320.39 I DONT THINK THOSE DRIVERS YOU ARE USING SUPPORT THE 690
Hi everyone, first post here!

I just updated to 218.
So, first time i had about 32 to 36 fps on race with 16 cars, with all settings on maxed out.
Then i tried with 12 cars, but this time with settings High, Shadows=Medium, Shadow Blur=Fast, AA=4, and HDR/SYNC/FXAA disabled., and only had about 34 to 38 fps.

Previous build i had 60 fps with vsync on. with all on max and +14 cars.

Any help? Probably somethin that works best with sli config, since i have the dual GPU card.


also try roll back your driver that will work
