Maxed out CPU


I have a 6 core processor (AMD Phenom II X6 1055T) and the 3rd core gets pegged 100% while I play RF1. I run the settings pretty high and at 1600x900 rez. It shows the 3rd core is at max capacity and the other 5 cores are like 5-10%. Obviously RF1 was not optimized to use multicore processing. So what kind of processor would work best with RF1? Just a really large dual core, or could overclocking this one help? I have a liquid cooler on the CPU so it's probably safe temperate wise. I just don't know anything about OC'ing components and have always avoided that. Obviously the 2.8Ghz 6 core isn't enough. Anyone know how much processor power is needed from 1 core to max out the game without pegging my CPU at 100%?? I'm willing to upgrade processors I just don't know what specs are required.
Are using +fullproc on the command line?

I had to google that to even know what it was. I have never heard of that before but I will give it a try. Have you done this with RF or other games? Just curious if evenly distributes the computer power between all the cores. Thanks for the tip.
I had to google that to even know what it was. I have never heard of that before but I will give it a try. Have you done this with RF or other games? Just curious if evenly distributes the computer power between all the cores. Thanks for the tip.

It spreads the load through all the physical cores. It works with rF1, but not rF2. It also worked with GT Legends, and I think GTR2 (but I can't recall 100%).
