Merging Mods in rfactor is a lot of trial and error


perhaps anybody technique freak can explain why merging is so hard in rfactor
but easy in gtr2 and gtl?

btw I wrote to rfactor support because
i do not understand why a hardcore driving game from 2006
is less mergable than gtr2 from 2003
but got no answer

i hope you can correct this with a patch or in the upcoming rfactor2
guess it is better even for selling the product

Can you explain more precisely, what you have problems with? I'm just curious, because all you have to do is just make sure they belongs to the same class (specified in rFm file).
All depends on how the mod was created. Some mods can be 'merged' easily, but others have that restricted (it's usually a personal decision of the modder). From the modder point of view I think is good to have the option to decide if you want your mod to have such feature or not.

All depends on how the mod was created. Some mods can be 'merged' easily, but others have that restricted (it's usually a personal decision of the modder). From the modder point of view I think is good to have the option to decide if you want your mod to have such feature or not.


dear rantam
I love your historx mod like the most people but this is a good example
for a mod which you cannot combine with other mods.

Perhaps you can explain me why it is important to run it only alone?

My oppinion is that having the possibility to combine it with other cars
makes it better even for the platform rfactor.

SO76 mod example has been changed to the better now you can combine it .

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Boern, you can merge any mod with any other if you know what you're doing. The main point is where the mod defines the vehicle directory. If you look at the latest version of NAGT, we (finally) do it correctly, and is how mods should be built. Not bustin on anyone, because it took us a few tries to get it right.

In the lastest version of NAGT, we have custom spinners, menus, multiplayer car, pace car, and so on, yet when you click on the 'all cars' they will show up. This is how ISI originally created it, we just didn't understand (initially) how to get the custom stuff show up in the default directory. I may post a tutorial on how to do it, but for now, you can just see the structure we put together.

You can crash mod even without joining mods. Enough is to use the same names of backfire materials in various cars. In that case rF will crash occasionally for sure.
So, I guess that joined mods may do the same for the same reason.
I guess the material names are a big problem. And I know this backfire problem as well. This all lead to ctd while racing.

Even the different directory structures in different mods lead to loading problems. If you do not correct the structure and

the referring gen files

But as far as I understand it is easier if you put all mods in one rfm file (vehicle filter) than to activate
ALL cars and VEHICLES <-rfm
because this can cause much more problems if you are running many mods.

Is this correct?

The point is
merging in
Rfactor is by far much more complicated than in other isi games - and why must this be so ?
Rfactor needs mods for gameplay without mods it is nothing.
FE GTR2 does not need mods because there are nice racing cars in it but it has mods and can
handle mods much better and easier.

do not understand me wrong I like rfactor but this point make making me angry.
But mods work without problems in rF.
Problem is if you want to use All cars and vehicles feature, and problem is in how mods has been created not in rf engine itself. Blame modders for this.
Good news for you is, that since rF2 modding will be more streamlined and controlled by dedicated modding tools, there will be less mistakes done by modders.

Finally All cars and vehicles option is useless for me. If you want to race mixed races, just create mixed mod
But mods work without problems in rF.
Problem is if you want to use All cars and vehicles feature, and problem is in how mods has been created not in rf engine itself. Blame modders for this.
Good news for you is, that since rF2 modding will be more streamlined and controlled by dedicated modding tools, there will be less mistakes done by modders.

Finally All cars and vehicles option is useless for me. If you want to race mixed races, just create mixed mod

Rules and guides are good, but Modding is all about exceeding the original "limitations" and working on the edge of what is possible in the engine. In this regard, yes it may not be optimum for your case, but any limits you set, there will be a work around to do something that's missing and couldn't be done before. Modders are hackers! ;)
I'd love a tutorial covering this!


Boern, you can merge any mod with any other if you know what you're doing. The main point is where the mod defines the vehicle directory. If you look at the latest version of NAGT, we (finally) do it correctly, and is how mods should be built. Not bustin on anyone, because it took us a few tries to get it right.

In the lastest version of NAGT, we have custom spinners, menus, multiplayer car, pace car, and so on, yet when you click on the 'all cars' they will show up. This is how ISI originally created it, we just didn't understand (initially) how to get the custom stuff show up in the default directory. I may post a tutorial on how to do it, but for now, you can just see the structure we put together.

