minimum radiator size


Hi everyone.

After trying everything I could think of and checking hundreds of websites I finally came here hoping to find help. I am trying to enforce a minimum radiator size in the setup / garage. In this case the range is from 1 to 6. My goal is to not change the range but only make it impossible to set the size below 3. To put it more general: Is there any way to change the setup possibilities? Haven't found anything on this. Hope this description is understandable. Any help is greatly appreciated.


Is this to prevent smoking engines/blowing engines and drivers using Rad1 in quali?

I dont know how to fix it by tweaking files but since we introduced Parc Ferme in one of our championships there where no issues anymore with people squeezing the engines. Quali-setup has to be race-setup so drivers will be going radiator3 or above (GP79)

Probably not much help but worth a shot mentioning it anyways :)
Is this to prevent smoking engines/blowing engines and drivers using Rad1 in quali?

Exactly. The problem is as following: With mechincal failures activated, drivers have far too different starting conditions. If you use the various plugins / addons or whatever you call them you will see that the state / health of your engine varies from 10% to 100 %. This violates the ideal of equal starting conditions. On road courses one can still make it through the race but on ovals it is blatant discrimination. The only solution is to turn off mechanical failures and try to still not have people exploit it. One thing I found out is that you can change the effect the cooling has on the cars. It is a very poor solution but if there really is no better one then I fear one has to stick to it.
Maybe you have taken a wrong way to that?

From what I understand, you locked quali setup, to be used in the race. So, if someone took lowest possible cooling option, he might get through quali session but there is a big chance, he won't make it through the race. Then, you should tell them that safe setting is "3" and higher and if they take something below that, then they might not get through the race.
The closest that comes to the solution I found in the gdb file of Jacksonville. In the part called "vehicle rules" certain things are set to minimum or maximum. I put the line "MinRadiatorSize = 3" in the gdb file of jns indy but it didn't help.
Isn't there a property "RadiatorRange=(0.0, 1.0, 7)" (values as an example) in your .hdv file? Experiment with those values, I guess the 0.0 is the minimum radiator opening, next one is the setp (leave at 1.0) and finally the max radiator value.
So up the 0 to 3 and I guess that should work :).
Already did that. Won't work. I am still trying things out and maybe I might find something. If so, I will post the details here. Thanks anyway :)
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