Mod creation - rFm file help for a newbie

Voodoo Pizzaman

I've put together a mod and I'm pretty sure I have all the components for it ready to go...however I can't get it to show up in game. I think it has something to do with the rFm file for the mod, which I know nothing about. All I get when I try to load my mod is either a blank spinner or a car from the next or previous mod in my list. I think it has something to do with the vehicle filter in the rFm file. Right now it reads OR: IZODIndyCarSeries (that's the name of the directory inside my GameData/Vehicles folder). Should it be something else? What about getting the spinner to show my car?
OK then, step by step.

Normally you should have a *.veh file for your mod.
Look inside what you have set as class.

For example:
If you have


then set in *.rfm Vehicle Filter:

Vehicle Filter = mynewMod

then report here what happens now.

There are so many possible reasons why a mod won't appear in showroom.....
Thanks for the response. Found the class and put it in the vehicle filter, still nothing.

My situation right now is I have IZODIndyCarSeries in my Vehicles folder, within that are the gen, mas, ini, hdv and other files I created, and there's a subfolder called Teams which just contains one folder called DW12 (Vehicles\IZODIndyCarSeries\Teams\DW12) for the one car that I'm experimenting with. In the DW12 folder are the two DW12 veh and dds files.
Like i said, there can be XXXX reasons that cars don't appear in the showroom.

And it's a long way to figure out what the problem with your mod is, by talking in a forum ;).

There are 2 possibilities to make it easier to check your mod.

1. you trust me as a stranger and let me join your PC over "Team-Viewer"
2. You pack your mod in a zip file, load it up somewhere (there are enough freehoster), send me the link and i look into it to fix it.

Is one of these options OK for you?
