Multiple copies of the same Mod?


Why would anyone want multiple copies of the same mod? So I can alter the .hdv fille or AI setup of each car individually. At the moment modifying the .hdv file or adding a setup for the AI affects ever single car in the mod (in a spec series).

My idea is to create multiple copies of the same mod, with only one car file per copy, so I can adjust each car individually with the .hdv file in each copy as well as custom setups.

Problem is, Ive tried this and the copy isnt appearing in the game menus. Im sure this should work if I edit and change the correct information.

Any help, please?
Why don't you just create new hdv-files with different names and change the entries that refer to them in the veh-files?

Same thing with engine or gear inis (refered in the hdv), classes or what ever you want, you only have to be careful whith refering the files.
Thanks to lordpaintsington and redapg for the input.

I got it working now. To be honest, Im not exactly sure what I did. I can tell you I did alot of deleting and editing. When I built a new RFM for the cloned mod it would show up under vehicles in game, but it would not appear as available/possible opponents. Some more deleting and editing and it works now. Each AI now use individual setups that I created for them
