Music during replay? (Will fund)


Is there a way to enable "in-game" music during replays in rF1? I haven't found it, nor a mod which does this cleanly. If not, I'm willing to pay for the ISI developer's time to implement it as an option in v1.256 (4hrs x US$60 = $240 PayPal).
I guess such plugin could be done easily that does the thingy.
I've seen plug-ins which pass key access through rFactor to a media player running in the background, but I'd like something in-game. Where do I come up with 4 hours? This could be put in by an ISI developer in under 1 hour, then give 3 hours to test that nothing drastically breaks.
I don't fully understand what your request is. The ReplayFridge already mixes music when you export video. But I have a feeling you are talking about something else. Could you be more descriptive. I am a developer and I could possible do this if I had a better understanding of what you are looking for.
What I'm looking for is the music in rFactor's "Music" folder to automatically play while natively watching replays (not exporting, then watching). I'll feel real foolish if this option is already there, but I couldn't find it. Basically, I like to watch my replays occasionally right after a race for review - I rarely watch them otherwise - and I'd like it to be set to music.
