My email provider doesn't like your email provider so I'm screwed?


I've added your addresses to every list I can find and after talking to my provider over the phone was told they will not remove the block on 1on1 what now for me to get an activation code?
I've added your addresses to every list I can find and after talking to my provider over the phone was told they will not remove the block on 1on1 what now for me to get an activation code?
If your email provider isn't able to provide you the service they are supposed to, I would suggest finding one who will.
Yeah that's pretty daft. did they say why they are blocking this domain? have you been spamming people Tim? :p

Or, just get a gmail account or something, register rf2 with it or let ISI change your address, problem solved as well I presume.
I think email is blocked as that is the provider for my work acct and we have been blocked for spamming by several other providers.

Sent from my DROID RAZR HD using Tapatalk
Yeah that's pretty daft. did they say why they are blocking this domain? have you been spamming people Tim? :p

Or, just get a gmail account or something, register rf2 with it or let ISI change your address, problem solved as well I presume.
1and1 is a hosting company. It's like banning GoDaddy. Every company that uses 1and1 is being blocked by that email provider.
I don't know I'm just a dumb, old, retired jarhead, I've tried yahoo, and opened and tried a gmail account. I've spent a day and a half now trying to sort this out, next time I'll know better and just order the DVD from Amazon, and call this a $29.00 lesson in internet savvy.
Gmail and Yahoo are both free as well and at least according to their support do not use anything like a "whitelist" or "safelist" if they are jerking my chain feel free to set me straight, as I said I'm old, and dumb, but not without the ability to pick up on the simpler things. It is my understanding that as long as these addresses are in your contact list you will receive email from them at worst g-mail might filter something to your spam folder but you will get it. Again maybe I am missing something, obviously I am or I wouldn't be camping on a support forum looking for help.

God Bless you Mr Wheatley for your (helpful?) suggestion. For at least the last 6 yrs maybe more, I have used this same e mail address, it has verified my paypal account that I used to try to purchase your software, I have used this same email address to purchase hundreds of dollars worth of software and addons for flight sim from venders all over the world. I have used this address to confirm orders for everything from pizza to ammunition, never have I encountered anything like this. Never have I encountered a vendor that would not do whatever it took to make sure I got a product I was satisfied with.

My ISP (Century link) also provides my email service ( they are the major telecom services provider in this region, and the only one who will provide even the low quality dsl that I do get out here in the hinterlands of Eastern NC. Frankly, no, my little residential customer voice is not going to go on a costly, time consuming crusade to convince a regional telecom provider to take down their block on your host so you can ply your wares unhindered on the world wide web. If the likes of Hotmail, Yahoo, and Google see fit to block your host it just may be they have good reason?

I only stand to loose $29.00 of my $18000 dollar fixed income, and a Xmas present for my grandson, but he hasn't bought the whole Santa Claus BS since he was 8. You sir, stand to loose customers, but one or two of those may not matter to you. No I am not going to jump through anymore hoops or dance any more jigs for you.

If you can see your way to pm me and tell me at least if any of my emails have reached you or acknowledge my purchase I will reply with my snail mail address and you can provide me with my activation key that way, if you have received my emails you have a copy of my paypal receipt with my address on it. Do this and I will not trouble you further nor will my shadow darken your website ever again.

Your Service,
David Hamilton
GySgt USMC (retired)

P.S. May I be so bold to suggest that if this problem is as frustrating for you as it has been for me that you post a disclaimer on your download page and perhaps a "test address" so people can verify that they can receive your emails before they spend their time and money, it may save a bit of heartburn.
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