Need help hosting a Dedi Server

Ruben Miranda

Hello Gent's
I have hosted before so I don't know what is going on.
I have all the ports open and forwarded and I have the multiy player file edited.
And the guys can see the server name but when they click it gives them a time out error every time.
Would could be causing this.
I can get in using Lan np but no one else can get in threw match maker.

Any susgestions
Ruben M.
Is there a password?

Typing the wrong password gives a Join Timeout as well. could also be the right password but the wrong use of capitals.
My guess is the ports aren't mapped properly. Here is what I have mapped on my firewall:
Hello Gent's
Thanks for the Replys and help
Well we tried with Password and with out password same situation
I downloaded the Port forward port checker app and it said the ports where open but could not ping my router.
But it also said this should not be a problem.

I will try those additional ports and see.

Ruben M.
Hello Gent's
Great I/We got it fixed and working
I tired so many things I am not sire what really fixed it. LOL
After a lot of trial and error
Putting in all the numbered ports listed above and checking everything over and over again.
And port forward saying things where ok and the MS app above showing the ports where Listening and still no go.

I said the heck with it set my router back to Default cleared it all and put forward the same ports as above.
did a port forward check gave me the same result and MS app said ports where open and listening same info as before.
But said oh well I will try it anyway.
Started up the Dedi and my Bro got right in NP
So not really sure what it was exactly but Gent's
Thank you for your help
It had to be everything or one of the things right.

Ruben M.
