New hard drive, but graphs performance now terrible...(?)


I've recently had the hard drive replaced on my pc with a brand new one (old one failed about 3 months ago). The work was done by a reputable local pc centre and as part of the deal they installed all the latest drivers, Windows 7 (64bit) etc...

The graphics card is the same GeForce GTX 6400 as before, but with the new hard drive the graphics are pretty horrible compared to how it performed with the old hard drive. Also, even though the only job the PC has is to run RF, when there are other cars on track it's like watching time-lapse! It's so slow... When you're out on your own it runs smoothly, but everything is fuzzy and curved outlines are represented as a series over overlapping straight lines.

I called the PC place and they talked me through checking dx.diag and seeing that everything was enabled (it was). The only other thing they could think of was that my old version of Windows 7 was 32bit, and that with the 64bit version now on there I need more memory (?)

I've also tried using both of the outputs from the card for the monitor, but it didn't seem to make any difference. Should it have?

Grateful for any help :)
Do you have up to date gfx card drivers installed? Up to date Direct X? All the system drivers you need for your motherboard? Did you run rfconfig?
