Nikanashi Autoland


Hello all, I'm currently creating a fantasy drift/grip track which takes real corners of some of the best corners of the best Japanese circuits. Added to that is my own flare, with elevation, camber, etc. Currently the track mesh for racing on is complete, but I still need to add terrain, buildings, etc.

Couple of photos from start to finish;

Track Layout:


Track Lofted, elevation complete, mesh bugs fixed:


Main straight & jump textured:




Nikko circuit outside corner style drop off after turn 3, early stages before texturing:


Turn 6, old texture (looking from behind looking onto turns 7, 8 & 9):


Second last harpin:


Second last harpin, drivers POV:


Pitlane Tunnel, one car at a time, only 5 meters wide:


This is where I am at at the moment. Working on the pitlane tunnel.

Right now I'm still trying to learn how to use the gMat materials, so I am wondering, how would I add bump/spec/cube maps? I would like to add a bump, spec & cubemap to the tunnel, and choosing the shader "Bump Cube Specular Map Add Specular Reflect T1" doesn't seem to add a cubemap like what would happen in 3DSimED. It has me very confused because if I show material in the viewport it becomes the main material and I don't want that. :C

If someone could help me out that would be great. I'm used to adding shaders to my cars via 3DSimED, just easier that way, but now that I'm doing my first track I want to try use the rF plugin for Max to it's full.
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Hello all, I'm currently creating a fantasy drift/grip track which takes real corners of some of the best corners of the best Japanese circuits. Added to that is my own flare, with elevation, camber, etc. Currently the track mesh for racing on is complete, but I still need to add terrain, buildings, etc.

Couple of photos from start to finish;

Track Layout:


Track Lofted, elevation complete, mesh bugs fixed:


Main straight & jump textured:




Nikko circuit outside corner style drop off after turn 3, early stages before texturing:


Turn 6, old texture (looking from behind looking onto turns 7, 8 & 9):


Second last harpin:


Second last harpin, drivers POV:


Pitlane Tunnel, one car at a time, only 5 meters wide:


This is where I am at at the moment. Working on the pitlane tunnel.

Right now I'm still trying to learn how to use the gMat materials, so I am wondering, how would I add bump/spec/cube maps? I would like to add a bump, spec & cubemap to the tunnel, and choosing the shader "Bump Cube Specular Map Add Specular Reflect T1" doesn't seem to add a cubemap like what would happen in 3DSimED. It has me very confused because if I show material in the viewport it becomes the main material and I don't want that. :C

If someone could help me out that would be great. I'm used to adding shaders to my cars via 3DSimED, just easier that way, but now that I'm doing my first track I want to try use the rF plugin for Max to it's full.
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I'm unfortunately not an expert with using 3DSMax, but if i understood you right, maybe the following pictures can help you out.
When you have implemented the for the gmotor material needed things (Plugin from ISI and the coreshaders.MAS from rFactor extracted into the hardwareshaders-folder of max (i had to do it with my 2009 Version of 3DSMax, i don't know which Version you use), you should have the gmotor material in the Material selection available and all shaders rFactor uses too, when you select the DX9 Button (picture 1).
When you have selected your shader, scroll a little bit down, then you can see the area where you can add the textures (picture 2).

I hope that is, what you asked for?

No I already have the rF plugin setup with all the shaders, what I was asking is how you use the shaders in the gMat material, because I can't get bump, spec & cube maps working. Like it doesn't show as a bump/cube/spec map like 3DSimED or ingame. :/ It's like the main material switches from the main to cube for example, and then stays that way.

I'm running 32-bit 3DS Max 2010.

I was follow freew67's tutorials on youtube, but he doesn't explain how to use the shaders :/ Only how to setup up basic materials.
Hm, maybe i have a complete misunderstanding. (It's a mixture of bad google-translator and my bad english :D)

When you select the polys for the material that you want to have, set gmotor material, take dx9, choose your shader, set all textures you need, assign material to selection and show standard map in viewport, to see if it's the right one, and then export it as *.gmt mesh, then the material changes by itself?
Nonono. I have that part down. It's applying cube map, spec map & bump map materials. They show as main materials, instead of additional materials.
OK, i've made a little movie. Maybe that helps you.
Excuse my bad english and my bad skills in MAX, but i did my best. :)

I'm uploading now and will send you the downloadlink with a PM, when upload is finished.
The movie is in mkv format, you can use the VLC Media Player for example to watch it.
I watched your video, and I already know everything you showed me, but what I'm trying to say is, the view you get in 3DSimED with all textures, is what I want to see in Max, but I'm not sure how to do that.
OK, i understand now.
In 3DSMax you miss to see the effect of adding a cubemap for example, as you have it in 3DSimEd, right?

I thought your problem was, that the in MAX defined material-properties get lost when you export them or that you couldn't set them up as you wanted, that was my misunderstanding.

Maybe the reason is how 3DSMax handles the ISI Shader, i don't know. I think when you use the default MAX-materials with their reflections, bump and cube settings, you will get better results in the viewport, but won't help you.

But in the end the ingame look is different anyway, so why want you have it so bad?

Don't you think that the more important thing is, that the exporter works?
You have to test the look of your work in game anyway. ;)
Yeah I guessed that would have been the reason. It just would've been easier if I could have gotten an idea of how the cubemap would reflect on the diffuse material.

Anyway, I made some more progress last night.



Walls are now textured, but I think I may redo the terrain.

Poly count right now is hovering around 10K.
looking good bro. cant wait how its going to be when drifting on it :)
Maybe a bit late, but Max cant show the added maps only the main one. you can select to show individual maps but not the blends of all.
You can see the result by loading in the scene viewer :)
