Nvidia Optimus - issue selecting gfxcard


Hi there,

I've bought myself a new laptop and installed Rfactor + the latest update.
The laptop has the Optimus technology from Nvidia, it will use the onboard Intel gfx card for the non-3D applications and will automatically switch to the Nvidia card (Nvidia 310M) when using 3D applications like games etc... .
I've got no troubles running games with this laptop, it always uses the correct gfx card, until I tried Rfactor.

When running the game for the 1st time it asks me to select the gfx settings.
I can only select the Intel gfx card. I was hoping that ingame, Rfactor would switch to the other one, but no go. Ingame I only have +/- 30 fps and the textures (even on 'high') have a blurry look.
I've also tried via the Nvidia control panel to 'force use' the Nvidia card, but also no go.
I've also tried to edit the config file of Rfactor, no go.

Are there users that experience(d) the same issues and how did they solve it?

It may be hard, because rF's configuration program works in 2D mode and simply may cannot see nVidia card. Moreover the game is not able to recognize new config.
So, I guess you have to ask notebook's support how to force nV to run in 2D mode too (even temporary) and then setup rf for this card.
Same Issue there, Still no solution from ISI side to handle Optimus graphic cards ?
Have you tried adding the rFConfig exe to the 'whitelist' in the nVidia control panel thingo? (I'm not familiar... but that's what those 2 links above are suggesting...)
I run rFactor using a Optimus powered laptop aswell, and the config lets me choose my Quadro 2000M, do you see both cards in the rF config?

I have the option in BIOS to disable Optimus tech. and force either of the cards, might be worth a look if you have the same option!

After changing this, I can only choose the Quadro card in the conifig, do know that changing this will lower your battery life and the laptop will be somewhat warmer depending on the card.
Lazza : Yes, rfactor and rfcongif are added to the whitelist


I also forced in the global parameters to use the Nvidia graphic card (default value is "automatic") but even this don't work :/

FakeThinkpad : I can only see the Intel HD graphic card in rfconfig. I will check if I can disable somthing in the BIOS.

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I'm guessing you can't 'trick' rFConfig, by running it while you have a game or something occupying the screen? (you could use a batch file to create a simple delay before running rFConfig - a ping command with ~10 pings then calling rFConfig would do the trick, run it then go back into the game you've already got running... come back out after maybe 30 seconds and see what comes up lol)

Yeah, pretty low-tech attempt, but hey, worth a shot :D (obviously no good if you've already tried similar)
This is another good info. I will try to launch a 3D game in wondiw mode and see chat rfconfig will do.
So, I tried by launching Starcraft2 and after that I starts the rfconfig, but the result is the same : the only available choice is the Intel HD Graphics

Let's see if I can disable the card in the bios
Nvidia optimus

I have the same problem.

When I with another d3d9.dll (rfdynhud, GID....) start the rfactor, The config utility see not the Nvidia GPU.
When no other d3d9.dll, config utility see the Nvidia GPU.

There is no intermediate solution.
Or does it?

Sorry my english
Hi all! I've got the same problem with an Nvidia gt555m!

For what i've read there is no solution, i believe that nvidia didn't make optimus compatible with directX 9.0 i suppose. They need to sort it out!


looks like this guy has a solution but i think that after one does what he says a lot of other games won't work!

Hope Nvidia gets this right because plugins make rFactor experience much more easier!

This link http://developer.download.nvidia.com/devzone/devcenter/gamegraphics/files/OptimusRenderingPolicies.pdf will explain several methods, some not applicable to end-users. The right-click context menu is the best way - just right-click on the rF desktop icon, and the menu should have an option to run the app with either adapter. But you should also be able, through the control panel settings, to add rF as an app which uses the high-performance adapter. I don't have one of these so I can't test this. If your Optimus laptop is setup properly, any of these methods should be available.
i've tried all of those suggestions and the only way i got rfactor to run with the nvidia gpu was by adding another monitor... i'm using a 23' 1920.1080.
joe gave me the same solution to this problem and does not work. paid for the game you have to solve our problems. disappointing. since 2011 so
I think the main issue here is to download a driver from NVIDIA, NOT from Microsoft, and once installed and restarted, you should be able to launch Nvidia Control Panel and add to 3D configuration both rfactor.exe and rfconfig.exe

This has worked for me with both rfactor and rfactor2 since fisrt build, the only problem has been when testing win8, then rfconfig wouldn't run with Nvidia, only Intel, but when running the sim itself, Nvidia card switched on. In win7 it works like a charm, the only tricky thing was to make Trackmap plugin show ;)


PS: if any claim should be done, I think it should be at Nvidia site, not here
