Oculus Rift and rFactor2



Can anyone tell that rfactor2 will support a HMD Oculus Rift in future? As I know games developers have already possibility to test SDK from Oculus designers. It will be huge advance in immerce of sims :)
I hope so. None of the options available at the moment seem any good.

It will take some getting used to tho. I use TrackIR and that can be quite difficult to use well in racing games.

The wide field of view is what I am most interested in.
The only thing I don't like about any of the available headsets for VR is the lack of a good wide hFOV. The only ones that come close require an investment of roughly $60,000 US or more for a headset that has more than 45 or 50 hFOV.

Ideally a VR headset would have about 50 degrees of overlap for the monitors and the total hFOV would be roughly 185 degrees to ensure that all areas were covered. When I say 50 degrees of overlap, I am not talking about physical overlap, but what you see in the right eye should overlap a little with what you see in the left eye, especially if you are doing 3D. There isn't any displays on the market at the moment that would even be close. I also wonder about focal length, especially for those that need to wear glasses. I am getting older and my eyes don't focus close in anymore, so that might be an issue for me personally.
gearjammer, i read somewhere that you wont need to wear you're glasses with the rift on .. i heard they where gonna be fully adjustable to allow people with bad eye sight to play clearly without any glasess..
I guess that would really depend on the focal point or your eyes really. With my eyesight, the nearest that my eyes will focus is about 1.5 feet away from my eyes, anything closer and I can't focus at all on it. Will have to wait and see what happens though, you never know. There is also the fact that a lot of people have astigmatisms in their eyes which change the convergence of the eye as well and this has to be corrected either with glasses/contacts or surgery, so not wearing glasses would also be an issue for me, hehe. I am just old and worn out ;)
