On-track ride height higher than car setup ride height setting


I have a problem with an F1 mod that I'm playing around with lately and I can't find any solution for it. The ride height of the car when I go on track (checking it with both rfDynHud and Motec) is about a centimeter higher than what I set in the car setup menu. This makes no sense, because it should be lower, as the weight of the car compresses the suspension. The rear seems to be working fine, it drops about 1.5-2 cm from the car setup value, but the front goes up, so any idea what may be causing this?

I tried changing all kinds of things in the physics to sort it out - CorrectedInnerSuspHeight, bump and rebound travel limits, feeling offsets, pm file Y values, etc. Nothing seems to fix it though.
Don't use Plugins like motec, they just confuse you. ;)

Is it just the F1 mod or is it the same with other mods too?
If it is only the F1 mod, which mod is it and where have you downloaded it (link)?
Don't use Plugins like motec, they just confuse you. ;)

Is it just the F1 mod or is it the same with other mods too?
If it is only the F1 mod, which mod is it and where have you downloaded it (link)?

Nothing confusing about it, it shows the same dynamic ride height as the Motec logs.

It's just this particular mod, so what I'm asking is, what physics parameters could be causing this issue?
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I would start to take a look into the *.hdv and *.pm files.
But i guess it won't be easy to figure out what causes it.

Sometimes comparing the entries of these files with original ones from ISI made cars can help.
I think I figured it out - the ride height at the front seems to be measured way behind the front axle, so when the rear is high up, the front ride height goes up as well. I wonder how exactly does rFactor decide where ride height measurement points are.
I'll try moving the undertray points and see what happens, thanks.
