Please help me with network play..!


Hi i'm korean gamer who started rFactor last week.

I tried network play with two computer with my friend and it was good.

But there's one thing annoying me.:mad:

I want to start race right away when i clicked race start button, but Always game starts with driving out from pit.

When I played single mode, I could solve this problem with adjusting race settings in track select scene.(turning off practice, Qulifying etc..)

Please give me an answer!!

Thank you for reading my poor english. I hope what i wrote is good to read. hehe..
You always start from pitlane in the practice, qualifying and warmup sessions. It won't drop you out in the middle of the track as other people could be out doing flying laps.
When you are in a race, you start on the grid and from there it depends on the server options for the race start. Is there a sighting lap or not? If there is a sighting lap, does it end with a standing start, rolling start, etc.
Not sure if there is an ability to start the race session from pitlane. That would be awesome IMO. Do an outlap, form up on the grid and wait for everyone to get on the grid, then have a sighting lap all together, form up again and go.

What you need to do is use the "Skip Session" or "Finish Session" button. It will skip through the current session and move to the next one. Keep clicking that until you are at the race session. You will hear the paddock announcer soundclip at the start of the race session.
If you start a race from the pits I think it is because you arrived too late on the grid. in rf1 you get around 20 to 30 seconds to click 'race' , if you miss that, pitlane start.
so just go on-track sooner.

oh and there are no outlpas for pit-starters. you can leave the garage and line up before the pit light but you will have to wait until the field finished the formation lap, starts, and then finishes a certain sector before the pit light go's green.
