Please help?


Hello everyone! i just purchased the full game of rFactor and it wont let me play it. as soon as i click on "load circuit" the game crashes and i also noticed when i select certain upgrades for vehicles it will also crash on me. i played the demo and it worked for me but now that i bought it, it's unplayable... i looked and couldnt find any answers so does anyone have any solutions? i also uninstalled the game and then reinstalled it and it still does the same thing. Thanks for any imput..
After you bought the full game did you install mods before you entered the game first time?
Bump! can anyone think of a solution? i would really like to play!
so the sim crashes in default state? no addons are installed?

Wierd, maybe try changing some settings in rF Config.exe like a different directx.
Also, not sure if its gonna work, remove the .PLR file and start rf, it will make you create a new .PLR file and you start fresh again.
Back the old one up though, incase you want to use it again.
i am pretty nooby with computers... lol what would a new .PLR file do? what is it exactly?
ok so i did that and i tried loading a track and it actually worked! i wasnt able to do that before. but then i tried to do this
AWD competition upgrade of this car i selected and the game instantly crashed again... i dont understand!
Are you getting any error messages after the crash?

Is your sim up to date? latest version is 1.255F

Do you get the same crashes when using other cars/mods/upgrades?
And what car are you using which is giving the crashes?

Have you tried running a different directx? ( rF Config.exe is in the root of rfactor)
And whilst changing that doublecheck if the other setting in rF Config.exe are correct.
it just says that rfactor has stopped working. and then windows tries to look for a solution but doesnt. and it always crashes when i try and do the AWD upgrade on the 2006 rising sun Vayline. The game is running version 1.255 and i tried reinstalling the direct x but i dont know how to run a different one..
and i just went around trying to upgrade stuff but i cant seem to find anything else that crashes the game. i know it would be pretty easy to just say no to click on that upgrade. but i would like to do some type of rally when i want and i paid 40 bucks for this game and want to get my moneys worth. so far, that isnt happening....
Of course you should be able to use the upgrade. who knows what kind of problem this is and it could get worse in the future with installing mods, tracks and whatnot.

i tried reinstalling the direct x but i dont know how to run a different one..
I did not mean reinstalling directx. From a previous post:

Have you tried running a different directx? ( rF Config.exe is in the root of rfactor)
And whilst changing that doublecheck if the other setting in rF Config.exe are correct.
So change to DX8 to 7 or 6 with the rfactor/config.exe and check if the upgrade works with it.

Also, it could be as stupid as a corrupt download? sometimes a download just gets corrupt for whatever reason and a re-download/reinstall fixes the problem. Since your rf is default atm this seems a likely cause.

I would do this just incase, re-download 1.255F, first backup your old rfactor install, then re-install it with the new file.

i'm starting to run out of ideas i'm afraid.
i will try and redownload it and see what happens. then i will try the other thing if that doesnt work. if i run another direct x will that cause reduced quality in anyway?
If you are on dx9 going down, yes. i'm not quite sure if this is even related, but many problems in rf1 can be fixed with different dx settings, thats why you at least should test it.
if im thinking of the same thing you guys are talking about then i tried it and it still doesnt work.. i went to the game set up thing where i can choose the resolution and stuff and there is like dx9 for performance dx8 for a medium and dx 7 for visuals? and i correct?
Yes, thats the dx settings for rfactor.

I dont think i can assist any further though, kinda out of ideas i must admint. a default game should work, period.
maybe install rf_lite on another HD and see if that works?

No offence pls but your rf is legal right?
I have contacted ISI in the past and have always received an immediate answer... It might be time to send them a note.
