Plugin Question


Hello i have 2 problems and one question.

First this problem with the internal plugin v3:
Error 1 error MSB3073: Der Befehl "copy Debug\InternalsPlugin.dll ..\..\..\rFactor\Working\Plugins
copy Debug\vc80.pdb ..\..\..\rFactor\Working\Plugins
copy ..\Include\InternalsPlugin.hpp ..\..\..\rFactor\Dev\Include

      " ended with the code 1.	C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft.Cpp\v4.0\Microsoft.CppCommon.targets	114	6	InternalsPlugin

Problem 2:
I have the problem that the data is written at (Example Plugin) more often in the second. If I then create queries when he really should write the file then goes off again from the same problem again.
void ExampleInternalsPlugin::UpdateTelemetry( const TelemInfo &info )
  const unsigned short cusBufferSize = 1024;
  char* cpTemp = new char[cusBufferSize];
  long Runden = 0;
  FILE *fo = fopen( "ExampleInternalsOutput.txt", "a" );
  if( fo != NULL )
		  sprintf( cpTemp, "LapNumber=%d\n", info.mLapNumber );
		  fprintf( fo, "%s", cpTemp);
                  fclose( fo );
    delete [] cpTemp;

And my last Question. Is it possible to get the current tire compound?

UpdateTelemetry gets called on every frame. So yeah, it is going to fire more then once a second. If you want it to only run once a second then you have to add some logic to check to see if enough time has elapsed and if not, just return.

No, you can't read the tire compound.
The game doesn't output a variable for the compound, but ... if you edit the tire files and set a different starting temp for each compound, you CAN track that and determine what they just installed.
