pre-rendered frames to 0 with newer Nvidia drivers?


Why I can't find this from net, well anyway, with new drivers you can set this to 1, no longer option 0, but with 0 gameplay was best, no wheel lag, so anyone know registry hack to get this setting to 0?
I found out that old riva tuner allows set this to 0, but it might be that it does not really set it 0 as I can still see little delay when I'm really pushing and at fast zone, but maybe I can manage now as fps is not dropping below 60.

According to one forum, NVIDIA tech considers 1 vs 0 being not meaningful difference, for me 3 vs 0 was HUGE difference in rFactor 1, don't know why, but I seem to be quite sensitive to that setting, it means difference between being of control of car or not.
I installed MSI afterburner and limit my fps with that to desired value, no vsync and despite some tearing that I hardly notice, I have 0 input lag (what I could notice anyway) and perfectly smooth gameplay. Without tweaking, I turned wheel fast left and right, I could observe wheel being left ingame and right at my hands, now it keeps up nicely :)
Can you notice a diference between 0 & 1 ??

When I used old driver, I could, it was very small, but clearly I could see steering wheel in game being tad behind from what I did, also somehow it did affect to my driving as with 0 I can catch slides much better, not sure why (maybe I compensate for lack of seat of pants by visual cues) as those are very short times, human reactions are somewhere around 0.2s, however human can see much faster than react. At 60fps one frame is 1/60s, I think that we can notice 1/200s but not lot faster things.
