Problem with AIW / AI-behavior


Hi all!

I haven´t big expierence in track-modding but I have to do some modifications to tracks to
make them work with my mod propably, so sorry if this is a noob-question!

I´ve created a new pit-path (with the rF AIWCam-editor) while the pitspots are already exists.
The pitspots seem to be connected to the pit path propably (red connection-lines to see).
But when the AI came to the pits during a race, the cars don´t drive normally to the pitspots
but they stop on the pitpath and be teleported to the pitspot!
And when they drive out of the pitspot, they dont drive out to the pitpath but drive straight
ahead and crash into other cars or the wall!

What I´ve done wrong? Something to do with corridors? I have no idea anymore!
Thank you and kind regards,
The second stuff is about "GarageDepth" asset in *.GDB. Probably yours is longer than necessary (in meters).

GarageDepth = 3.5

The value should be set in order to let the AI turns the car as soon the way is free from garage walls.

First issue you maybe want to remove the wp connections between pitpath waypoints and the pitspots waypoints and redo them.
No, it has nothing to do with the garage depth.
They are coming out the garage correctly.
Its all about pitstops.
