Problem with recording videos in Fraps on rFactor


I've got a problem, because when I record a clip in Fraps on rFactor, whenever a driver accelarates, it lags, I've tried absolutely everything, reinstalling fraps, using a different installation of rfactor etc but still no difference

Any help would be much appreciated!
If you tried absolutely everything then all hope is lost :p

Accelerate when? just at the start with a big grid or every induvidual car accelerating out of turns and such?
It might help to load a replay, run it, maybe fast forward, rewind and stuff so that it is allready in your memory before using Fraps at the same time.

With rfactor i used to use rfLite with nothing installed appart from the stuff i need and then max out all graphical settings. also replay fedility on high.

With fraps there are a few things to tweak as well, you could go for half-size (hardly noticeable difference imo but much less big files)
Also fps can be downgraded in fraps, could work as well.
Both a big help if you are looking smoothness.

And of cource when running both rf/fraps make sure anything else is shut down so the PC can focus on what you need.

Lastly there is rfactor merge with which you can re-arrange replays and cut out sections. I never used it for smoother framerates myself but i reckon a smaller replay uses less resources.
You could also try another Capture utility. I prefer Dxtory. Dxtory will capture direct to disk using any VFW codec. I use x264vfw. It will also emulate a DirectShow (like a webcam) source so you can encode using tools such as Flash Media Live Encoder and stream real time to services such as LiveStream, Justin.TV, Twitch.TV and Ustream. We use this combo to stream our leagues live broadcast. I have even used it to broadcast my live races. I have an i5-2500K and it has no impact on my framerate in rFactor. I run rFactor fullscreen at 1920x1080 and the stream runs 1280x720 at 2000kbps.

FRAPS is dated.
I too prefer Dxtory, from all of them that I tried, with DX I had lowest FPS impact and it has a big variety of options.

But there is also Playclaw, Mirilis Action, MSI Afterburner..
