Problems with shaders transparency


I'm working on headlights for a car and as always I've located HLGLO 1mm in front from original light material/texture. All works perfect with T1 diffuse shaders, but if I apply cubemap, specular or bump map to the lamp (not the hlglo), textures from HLGLO dissapears. Of course all dds textures for specular and bump maps have alpha channel assigned.

I've tried importing to 3DS max and exporting with "src alpha" - "inv src alpha" and I get same results. DDS files are saved as DXT5 ARGB 8 pbb interpolated alpha. I think it is problem from 3DS material, maybe other alpha setup works? Don't know exactly how "Source blend" "Dest blend" works, and I'm barely sure other setup could work.

Edit: Pics in post #4
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Why do you want apply cube, spec and bump maps to the lightglow?
Or did i get something wrong?
My bad, I've not specified. The HLGLO is T1, the shaders are applied to the original lightbulb material.

Edit: better i'll upload some pics and all will be clear.
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Ok here we go. The pics are pretty self-explained but I'll point the details.

Lights off. You can see the bump map on lamp and the lightcover looking ok.

Here I'm using T1 Diffuse for all the light materials except for the the lightglass covers (light covers work well). You can see how alpha channel is working with the lightcovers (maybe some grey tone would look better). All is ok and works fine.

And here all is the same but the lamps brings shaders. The problem comes with whatever shaders I add except for T1 Diffuse. As you can see, part of HLGLO is missing or hidden by some kind of witchcraft. The right lamp works, the left not.

I must say it don't appear on the pics, but I'm using light flares. I think is not relevant, I've removed them and the problem keeps.
I'm still not sure if i understand what the problem is, maybe it is caused of my bad english.

But maybe it works when you put the lightflares of the spotlight behind the glas of the spotlight and give both a multiple transparency.
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Finally found the source of the problem... It was the material that just I though isn't causing the problem. The glass cover of the small lamps was causing to hide the spotlight. I will try to replace it. The funny part is what the glass cover was causing to hide the rear sporlights too, and the rear spotlights don't wear that material! :confused:
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I just tried to reproduce the effect which you've described in your first post but had to notice that 3DSimed seems not to support the lightflares :D:D:D.
And with 3DSMax i'm not so experienced.
So no chance to help you out.
Hi redapg. At first time I didn't have problem with alpha channel, the problem comes with the flares. After set flares in 3DS, the gmt materials get corrected alpha transparencis, but brings problems like I haved with bump/cube etc. shaders. It is really a mess, but you need to use 3DS with gmt plugins in order to make flares work. In rfactorcentral you can find a lens flare tutorial by Simm Annouk, it's pretty clear. If you have issues I could explain what you need.
OK, thanks for the hint. I will try if i have a little more time, because i know that i have to be concentrated when i am working on 3D models :).
