Questions about using two copies of rFactor


I have two computers and wheels in my home now and want to have both running fFactor so two people can play in the game at the same time.

Do I just order the second copy with the same rFactor account I purchased the first one with or do I have to have a different account?

Will there be any problems using both copies of rFactor online using the same Internet connection in my home? The online gaming interface will recognize them as two different users I assume...if there are two different user names.
Because I will be copying my old in-game user profile on to both computers. So I could create a second in-game user account to logon both?...or would I have to use a LAN connection?

Hope this is clear. It's hurting my head just thinking about it. lol
Thanks. :)
1. Any additional copies are purchased with a separate account (that is, you just purchase the same way you did the first time, but you will be given a new account number). You can still use the same email address for both accounts.

2. There shouldn't be any problems joining an online race with 2 computers on the same LAN (if it is set up correctly - each computer with its own IP address etc), unless you have a really slow connection to the internet.
