Questions on textures in rFactor


1) It seems as if rFactor supports a few different image formats. The most common is obviously DDS, but I have also seen TGA and in some cases even BMP files. What file types are you allowed to use?

2) What is the search algorithm used by the game if it cannot find a particular texture through its exact name? For example, I've seen occurrences where a mapping specifies x.tga, but x.tga doesn't exist, while there is an file. What extensions does the game attempt to look for, and in what order?

1) After looking through ISI's .MAS files compared to some others I've noticed .DDS as well as .TGA. Even had gmtImport ask me for a .bik file before?
There is a hierarchy, but I don't know it 100%, though I do know it will look for dds first, then tga. Even if you have assigned a image.tga to the material and have both image.tga and in the folder(mas file) it will go to the dds first. That had me stuffed up for days till I figured it out lol. I was editing the tga image but nothing was happening. I near went nuts! :D. I had left the same image as dds in the folder :facepalm:
