Reminder about low fuel and auto pit request


Hi :)
How to disable that auto pit request, when I have fuel for about 4-5 laps left in the fuel tank? That is very annoying during races, because when I cancel pit req, it comes again after a short while :)
Hi Lesiu,

haven't tried this so far by myself, but it might help !?!?

[ Game Options ]
Automatic Pit Menu="4" // brings up pit menu automatically: 0=disabled, 1=upon pit ENTRY, change cockpit menu but do not bring up HUD, 2=pit ENTRY->cockpit & HUD, 3=pit REQUEST->cockpit menu only, 4=pit REQUEST->cockpit & HUD

Change ist value from "4" to "0" in your .PLR file under <RFACTOR ROOT>\UserData\<YOUR PLAYER FILE>.PLR

Thanks, but this option is only about when Pit Menu will appear (for example, when I enter to pits and/or pit request)
What I'm looking for, is a way to disable automatic Pit Request (done by computer, even though I don't want it) when there are fuel for less than 5 laps.
OK, my bad ... but now I know what you mean. Yeah, it is very irritating. Sometimes it happens just right after a pit stop with fresh tires and a tank fully loaded. Most of the time I have to cancel it two times and then it's ok until the next pit stop has been done. Haven't found a solution for that either yet :(
Can anyone from ISI staff tell how to disable that thing, please?
i think what triggers the auto request is set in the garage, below starting fuel.

number of stops.
if you set your number of stops = 0, the pit request can only happen manually.
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I would like to thank JGraf for the tip on this. I only race the Stock Car Evolution (Nascar style) mods and in the mods I run the problem is caused by the game underestimating the number of laps we can run on a tank. Sometimes it is off by 5-10 laps or more depending on the track and if you are in a race where you have green flag pit stops it gets worse. First stop may be off by say 5 laps then on the second stop it would be off by 10 and 15 on the third and so on. I had been just waiting a couple of laps or until my completed laps exceeded the lap the game thought I should pit on then cleared the pit request until the next time.

Not sure if this is just in the Stock Car Evolution mods we run or not but luckily we have a spotter that works great. About 1 1/2 laps to 2 laps of fuel left the spotter will tell you to get ready to pit then on your last lap he will tell you to pit this time by of course this leaves it up to you to request the pit stop. Most of the time if you don't pit when the spotter says pit you will not make another complete lap before running out of fuel.

Like JGraf said you can turn the number of stops down to "0" but it would also be nice if you could adjust the number of laps that way you could just adjust it to the number of laps you can run on a tank. In the Stock Car Evolution mods I can adjust the number of laps down but not up which doesn't help.
