rFactor 1 - GTX 960?


Hey all,

Brief introduction: I've never played rFactor, but want to get into it as I've been playing the codemasters games on the PS3 and recently purchased a T500RS with the F1 wheel trim.

With that being said, a few years ago I built a PC to use when working from home which I would like to upgrade to play rFactor (the original is fine if my machine won't run Rfactor 2) and Flight Simulator X. When I built the machine, I made sure to be heavy on RAM and screens, and that's about it (civil engineer...lots of HP and screen space needed for cadd programs). My current specs are i3 @ 3.2 and 16 GB DDR3 with a 650 W power supply.

I would be interested in upgrading my GPU to run the three screens I currently have without having to split the outputs as I do now. I'm somewhat budget limited so I've been looking at a GeForce GTX960. My question I suppose is, can anyone tell me if that card will sufficiently run at least rFactor 1 and FSX (not AS important), or will I be stuck in low FPS hell until I upgrade the CPU? Sorry if this variation of question has already been asked, but I wasn't able to find it by searching. Thanks for your time!
You should be fine with rf1 with that card. It will run a single monitor with most things at maximum (except AA - Anti-aliasing kills performance so use moderate settings). I ran rF1 just fine with my old AMD HD4890 though some of the heavier conversions (tracks from codemasters etc) did push it a bit. But single monitor only at 1080p.

Triple monitors should be ok too, but you probably would need to turn down some details.
