rFactor 2 performance nvidia or AMD ATI


I have a bit of a performance problem with rFactor 2.

I have a Intel Core 2 Duo running at 3,4 gig
4 gb RAM
GTX 580

I have trouble getting smooth framerates with:

1920x1080x32 resolution.
8x aniso
no AA whatsoever.
textures to quality instead of high quality.
HDR enabled
In game all cars to low
no special effects
no shadows
circuit detail to low
texture quality high
10 visible cars
virtual hood with or without mirrors
Tried lowering to 1280x720x32 still just a few fps better.

VLM Mid Ohio looking worse then PNG 3 in 240 fps approx 30 on start sequence night and about 40 approaching start/finish and really not smooth even when alone on track.

Wondering if AMD video cards is better optimized since some is somehow able to run triple monitors or if it´s the CPU. Changing video settings does make a difference though.
As an update disabling HDR made miracles. At least a 150 % performance increase on average. 100 fps on start/finish. 250 fps out on the pits.

HDR is 100 % CPU right?
Night racing with headlights drop down to 30 again which is about 100 % drop. rFactor 2 is CPU intensive to the max it appears.
First off, what windows are you running and what driver versions for your GPU?
windows 7 64-bit.

I am currently running the latest whql drivers from nvidia released some days ago. Hard to say if it´s better or worse then previous versions.
I am having a hard time understanding why you are not getting smooth frame rates. I only get around 50 fps normally on any track, but my frame rates are smooth as silk, no stutter at all. I am running triple screens with most things maxed with an HD 6950 2Gb.

How much ram does your graphics card have?
There is tons of triple monitor AMD runners even with old GPUs that somehow get good performance with at least medium settings which make me wonder. But do you all run HDR?

GTX 580 has 1538 of RAM or thereabout. Should be enough for 1920x1080p at lowest detail level...

HDR, light effects for night racing and mirrors seem to be the biggest villains. However some things like shadows I don´t even try running over low. Is there any tweaks for the mirror so they show less detail. I only really need to see cars there.

Any tweaks for the night racing too would help a lot.
I ran GTX570 soc with i5@4.5Ghz everything high or full @1920, nice and smooth 60fps+ on optimized tracks bit less on others.
As DD is pointing out, your system specs should be enough to run a single screen without having to turn down a lot of stuff. The fact that your seeing some choppy graphics would indicate that things are not right with your system at the moment, though I am not sure what it would be. Have you tried running in windowed mode to see what happens? Some times that will make things run smoother, some times it doesn't.
I ran GTX570 soc with i5@4.5Ghz everything high or full @1920, nice and smooth 60fps+ on optimized tracks bit less on others.

Thanks. That strengthen my CPU theory :)
Occasionally I can get smooth visuals Gearjammer. Maybe I exaggerate but I am picky about getting things smooth.
All other software work fine so I don´t think it´s a hardware issue some specific issue with the rFactor 2 code :)
The only reason that you could say that it would be code specific to rF2 would be because rF2 uses more resources and works the GPU more, but you would have to know for sure between other applications and rF2 which is more intensive. A common mistake is to blame a specific piece of software just because that software shows the issues where others don't. Yes there is a possibility that the software might be the culprit, but when your system isn't performing up to the levels of others using similar hardware, it suggests that the issue isn't with rF2, but something going on with your hardware or with hardware drivers etc that are affecting how rF2 performs.

When troubleshooting an issue, the best and most time efficient way is called divide and conquer, where you work with halves. If it isn't hardware, then it is software. If it isn't rF2, then it is some other software on the system. If it isn't software that you installed, then it is something that came with the system or OS. As you can see, this eliminates things rather rapidly until you eliminate something and the issue goes away, then you know what it was.
It´s due to rFactor 2 being very taxing we can say that. Thus it´s an issue with the rFactor 2 code. If it wasn´t the problem would be also with other software.

I suspect it´s more the CPU then the GPU that is taxing for it hench why some can run triple monitors just fine if they have a much stronger CPU. Core 2 Duos is not that hot anymore. When I do get high framerates it´s when I destroy shadows, HDR and light effects all which I believe is taxing the already heavy loaded CPU. I just noticed the CPU usage counter will see what results I get from that :)
As DD is pointing out, your system specs should be enough to run a single screen without having to turn down a lot of stuff. The fact that your seeing some choppy graphics would indicate that things are not right with your system at the moment, though I am not sure what it would be. Have you tried running in windowed mode to see what happens? Some times that will make things run smoother, some times it doesn't.

I am using window mode as well forgot to mention, smooth and better then alt-tab crashes checking dedicated menu. :)

I think it is much like this thread https://community.racesimcentral.ne...5-3570k-dilema?p=175270&viewfull=1#post175270

Good card not enough Processor, does not mean it is blockade just that the whole combo cpu/mobo/ram suffers in turn affecting video card.

Where a new generation combo will pull much better lower framerates which is what
increases the overall experience.

rF2 loves clockspeed and bandwidth, GTX580 with single screen has a lot more to give you past old generation chips/sets. ;)
Just ordered a haswell computer. Asus Z87-Pro/Intel i7-4770K and some corsair vengeance pro ram.
Really hope it has a severr effect in being able to run rFactor2 and never worry about stutters or frame rate drops.
Installed the new parts and it´s a success. I am now instead of running lowest settings possible running absolut max on everything. Haven´t tried enabling ambient occlusion trying 3D is next and then SLI if I can get the stock cooler on again on my old GTX 580. I can run night race with max 30 AI drivers mirrors on, lights on and all with surely modest 37-40 fps at start but very smooth and as I get going 57+ in heavy traffic and alone 83+ never ditching below going by the pit lane as it used to at Mid Ohio :)

Buttery smooth. I could actually with my settings get really good performance out of my old computer on some tracks like Texas world speedway but I always had those stutters and also dips.
