rFactor 8th gear

Helio Zuazua

Hi colleagues:

Our little asociation have troubles implementing the 8th gear in rfactor 1.

We always try to improve and develop our own F1 mod and this time some kind of issue is breaking our heads.(implement the 8th gear).

We try to add some gears into the naked rfactor , with no addons and mods , just to improve the standar car.

Up to 6th gear no trouble , up to 7th gear no trouble , ............................ but when we add the 8th gear "rfactor stop working" appears on the windows popup alert screen and rfactor shuts down.

I assume that some kind of compilation needs to be added (not a wordpad editable one , lol) , but i,m only 3d modeler and this stuff is out of my hands.(visually we changed the screens and 8th gear appears on the list , into the settings and into the wheel layout as well , but no further action in physics/gearbox/engine , always shuts down)

We have yet the 3Dmodels for the 2014 season (with standard 2014 regulation measures) and we will love to share it when the real cars will show and the deatils will be finished for every team.

I hope a YES YOU CAN!!.LOL (therefore i will need to lear some code stuff)

Thanks in advance to the community and rfactor to bring us the oportunity to share our knowledgeges.


I fear you will have to ask ISI if they will make an Update which allows to use 8 gears, but i don't think they'll do it. :)
I fear you will have to ask ISI if they will make an Update which allows to use 8 gears, but i don't think they'll do it. :)

I start this forum because i send an email to ISI and they suggest me to open a public forum here.

I fear that , lol.

Some people have the abilty to create plugins, maybe one can create one to get the 8th gear? ;)
Not sure whether an 8th gear can be done by a PlugIn? Did a quick (just spent 10 min on this) to implement an 8th gear in my current F1 Mod. The steps I did where (changes are shown bold). The bad news is - as soon as I change the number of ForwardGears to 8 rfactor crashes when loading the track.

Thus, if I haven't made a mistake, redapg is right that this would be a Job for ISI. Furthermore I share his concern that ISI will not extend rFactor1 anymore - hopefully they don't do the same limitation not in rFactor2 - otherwise we will not get one 2014 Formula1 Mod.

This is what I did - if anybody finds the mistake please feel free to comment as needed.

(1) Extend the user Interface (.OSC File in UIData Directory) thus you get an control where you can set an 8th gear? To be able to see all Spinboxes I quickly moved the next two a little bit down.

AttributeSet="spinner garage small"
Caption1="7th GEAR"

AttributeSet="spinner garage small"
Caption1="8th GEAR"

AttributeSet="spinner garage small"

AttributeSet="spinner garage small"

(2) Add 8th Gear and change number of Forwardgears from 7 to 8 in the hdv file. Did not extend the gear.ini thus for the quick test I just altered the Index number (important is that the index is smaller than the number of lines in the gear.ini file)

i'm working too on it, but for now, the excutable file of rfactor one doesn't recognize the 8th gear.. cause i think it wasn't implementead at the time... so we can't do nothing for this... or we can try to write a plugin... but i haven't any time to write it..
rF1 only supports 7 forward gears. There is no way to add one via the plugin API. ISI released a special build of rF1 that supports 8 forward gears for a marketing campaign for Lexus when they released the IS-F. I haven't tried but the build that GSC is using may support 8 gears.
rF1 only supports 7 forward gears. There is no way to add one via the plugin API. ISI released a special build of rF1 that supports 8 forward gears for a marketing campaign for Lexus when they released the IS-F. I haven't tried but the build that GSC is using may support 8 gears.
ok, it's true... but i think that the isi can recompile the rfactor 1 executable like the rf2 capable of use more than 7 gear ( now it's 9)..
i'm a programmer so i know that adding a line in thousend lines of cod is difficult but they mustn't spend more then 20 minutes for it
ok, it's true... but i think that the isi can recompile the rfactor 1 executable like the rf2 capable of use more than 7 gear ( now it's 9)..
i'm a programmer so i know that adding a line in thousend lines of cod is difficult but they mustn't spend more then 20 minutes for it

They did it already for Lexus so I doubt it would be a big deal. But I doubt they will ever do it.
Do you have rFactor2?

If yes, you can edit the rFtrainer in dev mode with 8 gears and see if it will be accepted.
Here you can see the 8th gear working on rFactor1. This is part of the RFE F1 2014 Project...

For more info you are welcome to visit Symracing.net
... is this available with RFE 1.2 allready? Or is it just WIP. Can the mod be downloaded somewhere?

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... is this available with RFE 1.2 allready? Or is it just WIP. Can the mod be downloaded somewhere?

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This is part of the RFE F1 2014 Project and this feature as well as all the other related to the new rules of the F1 2014 will be available for free into one of the next versions of the RFE Plugin Series. Here is another recent video...

