rFactor AIW Questions


Hello, i've got some questions about developing an AIW for an rFactor Track in cause that i get some problems, when i develope the AIW.

The first question is, how can i be set the Garage pots to Garages that are closed when no car is in there.

The second is, how can i be set the startpostion of my car to start developing the AIW, when the track doesn't have already an AIW and my car is falling through a hole in the middle of the track.

The third is, there are possible to set 8 AUX Spot but which AUX (1 or 2) must i be use on the start finish straight to get an SC in front of a rolling start grid.

And last, what i do wrong, when the SC drive out of the pits on a rolling start, drive the round and get back in the pit (And also back on the position given as an AUX point) but the Racer don't get a Green Green Green.

Hope some can help me.
No. 2: I believe you should set your track up so 0,0,0 is above the track... that way you don't fall into nothingness.
1. Make each door a separate object (if you haven't already) then Name the objects pdoor00 pdoor01 pdoor02 etc. the naming convention is all that's needed the game will take care of it from there.

2. make the start point of your track at 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 in 3d land. Or, get the co-ordinates and borrow an existing aiw (toban is good), edit all the garage spots and put in those co-ordinates, but remember rFactor is xzy, not xyz.

[ED] sorry Lazza, I didn't realise you posted, we posted at the same time :D
1. Make each door a separate object (if you haven't already) then Name the objects pdoor00 pdoor01 pdoor02 etc. the naming convention is all that's needed the game will take care of it from there.

2. make the start point of your track at 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 in 3d land. Or, get the co-ordinates and borrow an existing aiw (toban is good), edit all the garage spots and put in those co-ordinates, but remember rFactor is xzy, not xyz.

Thanks but what i must be do on tracks that already exist and need to be fixed at some point or to add new Positions. So Barcelona, we need more then 38 Garages. We need the complete 48 Garages. But only 38 assigned already in the track. Or i must be also done with loading in a 3D Program and write down the co-ordinates and put it manualy in the AIW? On this track also closed Pitdoors
You can just use the aiw editor and add the extra spots, they don't need to be in garages, they can be in the carpark anywhere. I'm not too sure about manually editing the file, I do it for temporary reasons but as for a track being released to the public I don't know if it's safe to do.
So the Barcelona will only be used in a league and isn't for public release. So i am not a Track maker so i take every information that i get.
For the first question, I don't quite understand as I am unsure if you want the garage doors to be open when there are cars there or you just want to add 48 garage spots? Anyway, if you want 48 garage spots (divided by 3 which is equal to 16), you need to either create 16 garage spots and make sure in the RFM file that in each garage, 3 cars can use it. Or what I do is usually create 1 spot for each car... I don't know if I am making sense but you basically need to have a good grasp on how to use the AIW editor and there correlations with the rFactor files (RFM, VEH, etc.) to customize it how you want it. Below are some info's I think might be useful for AIW creation:

- In 1 garage spot, 3 cars can occupy them (In the AIW Editor of ISI, you can see this)
- You can set how many cars can occupy in 1 garage spot in the RFM file
- In the VEH file, you can set which car can use the first to third spot of the garage

For the second question, "Lazza" was right with regards to that but just to make sure, try using 3dsimed to see where the 0,0,0 will lead you. Sometimes if you created a track and the X,Y,Z (0,0,0) are outside the driveable surface, then for sure you will fall off still.

For the third question, AUX 1 I believe is for the rolling starts and AUX 2 is for the spot where the SC parks.

For the last question, (This one I kinda ask in this forum as well but figured out on my own) you need to make sure the AUX 2 spot is placed after all the garage spots. I tested this on my own, when you place the AUX 2 spot before the garage spots, the SC gets a hard time going out in front of the pack and ruins the SC event which eventually never gets a green flag afterwards. As a tip, I suggest you check the default ISI tracks so you can see how the AUX 2 is set and most likely thats how they are supposed to be placed.

Anyway, here are some links for tools that can help as well in making an AIW:

3DSimed Link - http://www.sim-garage.co.uk/SimED_Download.htm

AIW CAM Editor - http://www.rfactorcentral.com/detail.cfm?ID=AIW%20CAM%20Editor

AIW Editor - http://www.rfactorcentral.com/detail.cfm?ID=gMotor Tools

I was mean, when i use the rFactor AIW Editor (from rFactor.net) and i get on a track where Pitdoors are closed when no other drivers in there but this Track already optain a AIW. So how can i be adjust or add some more Points for Garage Spots when i can't go thrugh the Door in cause it's closed. That's my problem. There are enough Garagedoors but only 38 from 48 are assigend and can be used by cars. So how can i set the other Points to the last Garage where the Doors are closed in the AIW.
Ahhh, now I see why "mianiak" said the pdoor naming convention. :) Anyway, he was right. :) There is a bit of 3D editing needed for this because if the "pdoor" objects are not set correctly then you need to edit that graphically plus naming it correctly (use 3dsimed, its easy that way)... Hmmmm, for a quick resolution for this (a patch up fix), you can rename all of the garage doors to "pdoor01" so that all of the garage doors will open. Quickest thing I can think of :D
Better to just comment them out in the scn file and after he's done with garage spots, delete that comment markers "//" :)
More or less about the same subject, is there some way to assign different garage depths pr garagespot1, 2, 3… so on?

I am seeing only the GDB line option for it so far. As I created a pit stall which three cars are not stay aligned, I’m trying to make this work avoiding the third car crashes when it leave the pits. In addition, anybody knows what the “generic path” is for in AIWCamEditor? Maybe is it a solution?

Last and maybe least, why my AI cars “teleport” in the pit lane? They stop far ways of their garage spots and just vanish, eventually appearing in the correct position. That’s ugly from external cams viewing.

Sorry but I’m illiterate in English.
Last and maybe least, why my AI cars “teleport” in the pit lane? They stop far ways of their garage spots and just vanish, eventually appearing in the correct position. That’s ugly from external cams viewing.

That happens when your pit positions are far from your garage positions. Cars will stop at their pit position, then teleport to their garage position. Likewise, the safety car will stop at the first pit position, and teleport to its aux position (and once the pit/garage waypoints are set up, you can't change it by editing the position in the AIW file; you'll have to delete the waypoints and start over).
Hello Kepper, actually I wouldn't mind if they were teleported from pit stop to garage spot, but what is happening is they are being teleported from the pit path at somewhere waypoint of it, to the pit stop. The issue happens one step before you're described, the distance between pit spot and garage spot has any influence on that?


This is the image... can't figure out why they're pitting like ****, some problem on wp positions?
From the picture, it looks like you haven't generated the pit waypoints yet -- only set up where they will go.

Pit waypoints/branches (and starting grid waypoints) are only created when you set their positions (which you seem to have done -- at least for the pit spots... have you set up your starting grid also yet?), save the AIW, exit to the main menu, restart the AIW editor, and save the AIW again.

If you haven't set up a starting grid yet, it could be that the editor knows not to set up those waypoints yet. So, set up your starting grids, save, exit, re-start, save again. Then when you go into the editor, you should see the green waypoint markers not only on your paths but on every starting spot and pit spot, and those spots will be branched to path waypoints.
