rfactor Black Screen Freeze



I have been racing on rFactor for a few years now and have recently (only started doing this a few weeks ago) been experiencing a black screen freeze (for around 5-10 seconds) whenever i do an on line race at night (offline a night race works 100% fine). I have no missmatch, have tried a fresh install of rFactor with no plugins (only the realfeel plugin and the mod/track i needed to race with). It does it on 3 mods (only been able to try it on these 3). The black screen itself tries to throw me to the desktop and alt tabbing only allows me to try tab to the game (can only see my mouse on the task bar and nowhere else).

My Rig is:
CPU: Intel i5 4690K
GPU: Gigabyte GTX 980 G1 GAMING 4GB GDDR5
Motherbaord: Sabertooth TUF Intel® Z87
Windoes 7 64bit
It is fan cooled but my GPU only reaches around 60 degrees max.

Asking others around me when the freezing happens i disappear until the freeze/black screen has stopped and i am able to re-tab to the game and i will suddenly appear in front of someone else and would not of moved. All my game sounds freeze and i just hear the continuous sound of a frozen engine. My FPS does not drop before the freezing occurs and there is no warning as to when it will do it (i can go round 10 seconds then have a freeze, unfreeze for around 5 secs then freeze again, or can do half the race and have only one freeze at the mid point of the race). During the day my game runs fine with no freezing at all. I did however turn off my replays as i was experiencing some micro-stuttering when the replays where turned on.

Thanks for the help

I have been racing on rFactor for a few years now and have recently (only started doing this a few weeks ago) been experiencing a black screen freeze .....

Does that mean that it was OK before "a few weeks ago"?

In this case i would suggest to try an older Video-Driver first.
Or hasn't the Driver been updated since then?

The problem is, that there are so many possible reasons for that problem, like windows updates, updates of Anti-Virus software, programms running in the background.... that it is more than hard to try to solve it, without having the machine where it happens.
I had raced night races before (with the micro stuttering more present) and have the most up to date gpu drivers.
Looking into my windows logs it seems that during a night race my gpu drivers fail then recover
Having done one race with old drivers and not having a black screen freeze, then in the second race the freeze/black screen came back, looking into the windows logs it was a driver failure. It only happens as i said during a night race online and the failure only happens on rFactor, any other game is 100% fine http://gyazo.com/3ea0d86f0ee396792aae58ca7e88a1a3
Having done one race with old drivers and not having a black screen freeze, then in the second race the freeze/black screen came back, looking into the windows logs it was a driver failure. It only happens as i said during a night race online and the failure only happens on rFactor, any other game is 100% fine http://gyazo.com/3ea0d86f0ee396792aae58ca7e88a1a3
Old drivers did not work, It was fine for the first race I did with the old drivers but during the second race (straight after the first) type driver failure which I have figured out to be the cause looking at my windows logs came back. What baffles me is that the drivers only fail on rFactor during an online night race, offline with more cars at night is fine, online during the day is fine. Any other game is fine :/
Nightraces are a bigger stress for the system resources.
But i don't know if there is a difference in how it gets managed by the game and if there is any difference between driving against AI or online against other clients.
Maybe an ISI programmer can put some light here.

And when you try to reproduce the online race where the freezes happen, with the same cars as opponents in offline mode, everything works normal?

And do you also have the freezes when you set the graphics in game to lower levels?
Graphics set to lowest possible settings and the drivers fail, offline more cars it does not freeze at all from what i have tested (on the same track, at the same time of night on the same mod in the same car with more opponents)
Did you also try it with less "visible vehicles"?

A long time ago when i used a GeFore 9800 GT i had many problems with freezes and when the freezes were over, there was a complete mess of the textures.
And some others, using different NVidia cards, had similar problems.

Since i use an ATI card, that kind of problems never showed up again.

But like i said, that is a long time ago and newer cards shouldn't have such problems.

Do you know other people that have the same problem?
The freezing/driver failure happened when i was the only car in the server/on track (no ai bots) and i know someone with a 970 that is not having the problem
Is that reproduceable/does it happen everytime you do an online nightrace, without any exception?

What are your ingame settings for the connection?
Did you try the "LAN" setting with 5000 kbps up- and downloadrate?
I think i have managed to fix it, a complete wipe of everything related to nvidia and reinstalled the base drivers and it has not frozen since
Problem is back says "Display driver nvlddmkm stopped responding and has successfully recovered."
That's really bad luck.
It seems to be a well known problem, when you google it.
Following THIS site, i would suggest to add an entry into your registry as a first try.
It's the TDRdelay, where the site says it's 2 seconds by default. I would try it with 8.

I don't know how experienced you are with editing the windows registry.
An easy way to do it, is to create a new file.
You can call it however you want BUT it has to be the file extension "reg".
So call it e.g. "TDRdelay.reg"
Open it, but not with a doubleclick of the mouse. Make a right-mouseclick on it and choose "edit" or "work on" ( i don't know which term shows up in the english menu).
When the file is opened, paste the following code into it:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

Then save the file and make a doubleclick on it. Windows will ask if you are sure and want to add this to the registry.
Press "OK" or "Yes" and you should get the message that it has been added succesfully to the registry.

Then wait if the crash happens again.

If yes, you can try it with a higher value, e.g. 15 or more

But there are lot's of possible solutions out there, for some work this, for others another way, you maybe will have to try out different things, i fear.

Or try it with the TdrDdiDelay as next, if that didn't worked.
