If it works at Jacksonville and you use the objects with all textures and *.scn entries with another track, they should work there, with the same settings in game, also.Can you post some more details?
What i have done is
1. open jacksonville in 3dsimed and select the cautionlight object.
2. Isolate the object and center the object. Correct the pivot point.
3. copy all faces
4. paste all faces to my scene and make adjustments to x,y,z
5. copy textures from jacksonville folder and add to my track folderThere should be cautionlight.tga cautionlight00.dds, cautionlight01.dds, cautionlight02.dds, plus the gtrl.tga gtrl01.dds, and gtrl02.ddsthe 2 .tga files are missingcautionlight.tga, and grtl.tga
Now it should be setup as
Event is the Animation trigger
export the files from 3dsimed to my track folder and then make sure the instance is added to my .scn file. I compare it to the jacksonville .scn entry and then save.I fire up rfactor, the track loads. I create a caution trigger and the light does not turn on.I have no idea what I'm doing wrong.
the other way i tried was to copy the gmt file to my track folder and copy the instance from jacksonville .scn and copy to my ,scn folder. i open up my .scn in 3dsimed and make adjustments to x,y,z and then export back to my track folder. i then make sure the textures above are in my track folder except for the missing ,tga files that cannot be found anywhere. I run rfactor track loads and still nothing during caution light does not flash.I tried this in both race and practice, still nothing.I then thought maybe they don't work at jacksonville either.loaded it up and caused a caution, they work in jacksonville.so at this point I'm confused at what i may be doing wrong. If I could get a step by step that would be great.