rFactor closes suddenly ...

Rafael David

Good afternoon everybody, I'm with a problem in rFactor.

I can run for hours at any session, I have no problem but when I go to the race, I can run for about 40 minutes. After this time, closes the game, without any error.

I am using Windows XP, processor core 2 quad 2.50, 4 gb ram (xp can only use 3 gb) 500 gb hd, vga geforce gts 250 (I've tried old and new drivers, same result).

When I was using Windows 7, received a message "The rFactor has encountered an error and needs to be finalized." In Windows XP does not receive any messages.

What could be happening? I do not know what else to do. I no longer have any program / ​​game installed, no antivirus or firewall, nothing!

Thanks to those who reply!
Do you have any add-ons or plugins running like heads up displays ? Does it do this when more than 1 mod ? I know that's harder to check out, but you need to try change things , one at a time and see when the problem goes away.

Something you might try is stress testing the RAM. Each car on the track adds a bit more memory that rFactor grabs while it is running. About 20-30mb , it seems from some quick testing I've done. It could be that you have a not quite stable ram stick that only gets used during the race session, when all the cars are doing things and the server is sending out more position updates.
Look, I've always used the plugin XD, never had problems with it before. Have also used the TV Style and Data Acquisition Plugin for Motec.

The problem is that I've tested disabling plugins, delete them and the problem still persists.

If stress is a problem of RAM I do not know, but I've used those programs that give restart the PC and boot the pc to test the memory, but none found any errors.

I've tried the settings directx, graphics maximum, medium, low, few cars visible, replay off. Different cars and tracks, but all are closed without explanation, always in between 38 and 40 minutes of running.

Do not know what else might be. All that came to my mind has tried to do.
You can't just delete the dll files in the plugins folder and expect that it works. Some plugins don't simply install that way, and you have to restore d3d9.dll status (previous file or just delete the file) in the rfactor folder, because this d3d9 proxies look for dll files in the plugins folder.

Are you sure you have safely removed all the addons to the rfactor setup?
I had consistently-timed rFactor crashes with the DAQ plugin in more complex mods - usually around the hour mark for me, but that could depend on memory use of the track, mod, and other plugins.

Rather than taking the potentially problematic install and taking bits out, I would start afresh and add bits until it breaks again. Far too easy to leave broken files in there without realising it.
